Carine Jocelyn is a non-profit executive and leader with more than 25 years of experience working in human
services as an accomplished administrator, trainer, and program officer. Jocelyn is the Chief Executive Officer of
Diaspora Community Services, formerly known as the Haitian Women’s Program, located in Brooklyn, New York.
She has an extensive background working with diverse populations, having served as an advisor, executive coach,
and consultant to various health, education, youth, and social service agencies. Areas of expertise include non-profit
management, program/budget development, training, quality assurance, and board development.
Jocelyn has also been an organizational management expert, advocate, and trainer with experience managing
national/international programs focusing on women and girls empowerment. She has served on several boards of
directors, task forces, and committees. In New York, she has affiliated her work with the Support Center for
Nonprofit Management, MPG Consultants and was recently selected as a member of the prestigious Non Profit
Excellence Awards Selection Committee.
She has over 12 years of experience working in Haiti. In 2007, she established a community health center in Port
Au Prince which continues to be locally operated. Furthermore, in 2014 she was hired as the Executive Director of
Profamil, the leading provider of family planning and sexual and reproductive Health in Haiti. She was the
second woman to hold that position in the organization’s 30-year history. In 2017, to continue her commitment to
Haiti and to women and girls, she founded The Haitian Women’s Collective. She has continued to give of her time
by being the board chair of the Haiti Adolescent Girls Network, known for their internationally recognized model of
safe spaces for girls.
Jocelyn obtained a Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration, a Masters in Public Administration, and
professional certifications in Human Resources and Organizational Development and Leadership. She is of Haitian
descent and is bilingual French.