Malikka D. Karteron is the President and CEO of Global25. Global25 is headquartered in New York and designed
to have a global impact. Global25 focuses on Economic Justice, Social Justice, Environmental Justice, Educational
Justice, and Equity; particularly, as it relates to Communities of Color Worldwide. The initiatives are project based
and focus on S.T.E.A.M, (Science, Technology, Education, Art, and Math) Economic Development, The Arts, Women’s
Empowerment, “Place Making”, and ESG Strategies.
Karteron is currently on the Community Advisory Board (CAB) for Queens Center Hospital; and is a member of
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and Greater Queens Chapter of the Links, Inc. Malikka was the Co-Chair of the
Jamaica Now Art & Culture / Marketing & Branding Committee from 2014-2019. In 2018, she was selected to be
an Art Producer for Queens Council on the Arts (QCA). Karteron was an International J’Reve Fellow - Paris 2016.
The overall Fellowship was in partnership with UNESCO, Fulbright, Columbia Paris, and J’Reve.
In partnership with Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning (JCAL) Karteron curated an exhibit featuring “Women of
the World / Everyday Women ”. She also participated in the facilitation of the first Black History Art Exhibit at Resorts
World – NYC / Queens.
Karteron received her Bachelor of Science (BS) in Marine and Environmental Science from Hampton University.
Karteron’s background in science and education helps her create programs to prepare children for their future
academic careers. Karteron was on the first Historically Black Sailing Team at Hampton University.
Karteron graduated as a fellow for the Center for Environmental Analysis - Center for Research Excellence in
Science & Technology (CEA-CREST) at California State University. During her tenure at the Center, she researched the
distribution of Toxic Release Inventory (TRIs) sites in Los Angeles County and conducted a statistical analysis of their
distribution. She received her Advanced Masters in Educational Leadership and Administration at Brooklyn College.
She also completed the Executive Non-Profit Leadership Program at Fordham University.