New pumps aim to help Ham. Beach vols alleviate fl ooding problems
In a neighborhood where fl ooding
has been a constant problem, the
West Hamilton Beach Fire Department
received $900 in new devices to combat
future tidal troubles, courtesy
of state Senator Joe Addabbo and
Assemblywoman Stacey Pheff er Amato.
The West Hamilton Beach Fire
Department, located at 103-23 Davenport
Court, received a water pump, strainer
and a hose, according to Pheff er Amato’s
offi ce. Th e pumps include a large 2.9-gallon
fuel tank that can run for six hours
at a time.
“Th e need to stay safe with persistent
fl ooding is of utmost importance
in the Hamilton Beach community.
Preparedness is key, and this water
pump will go a long way in ensuring we
are ready at a moment’s notice,” Pheff er
Amato said.
Deputy Chief Nick Spinelli of West
Hamilton Beach Volunteer Fire
Department was grateful for the gift and
what it will do for the local community.
“When there is high tide, you can barely
walk let alone drive your car through the
streets of Hamilton Beach. Th is pump will
assist in making the streets safer and protecting
our homes,” Spinelli said.
Community Board 10 Chairwoman
Betty Braton and the New Hamilton
Beach Civic Association President Roger
Gendron agreed that while this was no
fi nal solution to the fl ooding problems
that the area has faced for years, the gift
Roger Gendron of the New Hamilton Beach Civic Association speaks outside the West Hamilton Beach Fire Department last week.
is a step in the right direction. Th ey also
believe that smaller community projects,
including work done by volunteer fi re
departments like Spinelli’s, will further
help remedy local fl ooding problems.
“Th e civic will work with the West
Hamilton Beach Volunteers to come up
with a plan of action. Hopefully, this
is just the fi rst step in getting a permanent
solution to stop the ever-increasing
tidal fl ooding in communities all along
Jamaica Bay,” Gendron said.
Addabbo was delighted to co-sponsor
the project and work toward making the
community safer for all.
“Th is water pump will benefi t the entire
Photo courtesy of Assemblywoman Stacey Pheff er Amato
Hamilton Beach community by helping
the fi re department make the streets safer
for drivers and pedestrians during times
of high tide and fl ooding. I am hopeful
this pump and other upcoming mitigation
projects will further address the
issue of fl ooding in Hamilton Beach,”
Addabbo said.
Halloween retailer brings ‘spirit’ of season to St. Mary’s
BY JENNA BAGCAL @jenna_bagcal
More than a dozen kids in Bayside got
to celebrate Halloween a little early this
On Wednesday, Oct. 17, St. Mary’s
Hospital for Children, located at 29-01
216th St., partnered with Spirit Halloween
for their annual Halloween party for pediatric
patients and their families.
Th rough the company’s Spirit of
Children program, volunteers from local
Spirit Halloween stores treated kids to
a festive aft ernoon complete with mask
decorating, face painting and a table of
themed goodies which featured beloved
franchises, Pokémon, Shopkins and
Harry Potter.
Spirit Halloween also provided each
child with a costume to help them get into
the spirit, including pop culture favorites
like Luigi from the Mario Bros. and classics
like vampires and werewolves. Also in
attendance were Donatello and Leonardo
from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for
fun interactions and memorable photo
ops with the kids.
“The annual Spirit of Children
Halloween Party is an amazing way to
celebrate the spirit of St. Mary’s children.
Our children, families and staff
look forward to this event each year. We
are so grateful for our partnership,” said
Victoria Falcone, the manager of strategic
partnerships at St. Mary’s.
Chris Manetakis has served as the event
leader from Spirit Halloween for the past
three seasons but said that the company’s
partnership with St. Mary’s dates back
to 2007.
In addition to the Bayside event,
Manetakis said that he would be involved
with other local hospitals in the upcoming
weeks including Stony Brook Children’s
Hospital, NYU Winthrop Hospital and
Bellvue Hospital Center. Th rough the
Spirit of Children Program, the company
will host nearly 100 Halloween parties
at various pediatric hospitals for children
who may not otherwise be able to enjoy
the fun of the season.
Th e Spirit of Children program got its
start in 2006 and is “focused on making
hospitals less scary for kids and their
families,” according to Spirit Halloween.
Program funding comes from their business
partners as well as voluntary donations
made at Spirit Halloween stores and online.
Since 2007, the Halloween retailer has
been able to collect over $45 million in
cash and merchandise to support Child
Life Departments at participating hospitals.
Th is year, Spirit Halloween hopes
to raise $9 million, some of which will
directly go toward St. Mary’s Child Life
Funding is allocated between salaries
for Child Life Specialists and Fellows,
a full-time Child Life presence in the
Emergency Department and the creation
of playrooms, teen lounges and family
space. In addition, hospitals are also able
to purchase educational equipment, computers,
iPads and distraction toys for use
during procedures as well as toys created
specifi cally for physical and developmental
Photo by Jenna Bagcal/THE COURIER