Vet's Corner
Is it recommended that my cat or dog go see the vet
once or twice a year?
We recommend that your furry family member visit their vet for a
wellness exam a minimum of once a year or twice a year if possible.
You should know that our pets age much quicker than we do. For
example, once your kitty turns 1 year old , it’s actually 15 years old in
human years. So, by the time they turn 3 they’re “28”. Our bodies
change every year and so do theirs, therefore, we recommend blood
work yearly for a baseline just like we do.
How much food does my pet need?
Our pets like us have caloric needs too,. We can discuss how much
food they should get based on their weight. We do so by determining
their kcal (kilocalorie) requirements. If they are overweight, we can get
them on a weight loss plan as well. Ask your vet next time you go in for
a visit and let’s get our fur-babies on a healthy regimen. Just
remember, treats are exactly that, “treats” and should be special; not an
everyday thing. When given, don’t give to many.
Why does my pet need vaccines?
Vaccines should be tailored to your pet’s lifestyle. For example, if your
dog is always indoors (they don’t go out in the yard or on walks), then
they don’t necessarily need other vaccines aside from the core
vaccines. However, if your pet goes outside on a walk, goes to dog
parks, daycare, groomers, parks, hiking, beaches, etc. or even just to go
outside to potty, then it is recommended they receive other vaccines
aside from just the core set. However, all pets are required by NYS law
to be vaccinated against rabies. You should talk to your veterinarian to
discuss what is best for your pet.
I just found a litter of kittens, what do I do next?
First things first, if they appear to be well taken care of (they are not
dirty, look well fed, etc) watch, wait and see if mom returns, she might
have just gone out hunting for some food. Let’s say mom does not
return, you can bring them into your home, of course keeping them
separate from your own pets. Offer them some kitten canned food in the
meantime and some fresh water. Next, make an appointment to see the
vet if you’re considering to foster. Or, you can take them to a shelter so
they can be taken care of and put up for adoption.
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