A holiday party animal
I adore my work and I oft en
say with a laugh that, “It’s not
work, it’s my passion!”
I know I’m guilty of being a
24-7 person, but I do take my
breaks here and there, and this
was a wonderful, long weekend
fi lled with extra “playtime.”
It all began by having dinner
with my dear friend Juliana
Terrian, CEO of Rallye Motors.
She invited me to see the fi reworks
in East Hills Park, not far
from my home. I asked her, “Do
you have seats?” She laughed and
said, “Rallye is the sponsor!”
Aft er dinner, we drove into the
park in her luxurious, shiny, navy
blue Rolls Royce convertible, with
the top down. Speaking from the
bandstand, she greeted the thousands
of families there for the fi reworks.
Th en we went back to the
convertible and watched the sparkling
colorful spectacle, between
the tree limbs. What fun!
Th e next day, I was off to
Remsenberg, a village only 15
minutes from Westhampton,
Long Island, for business leader
Jim Argutto’s joyous annual July
4 party on his gracious beautifully
landscaped property.
It was a steaming hot day, and
the pool was fi lled with screeching
happy kids and their parents.
I wish I had brought my bathing
I found a few friends at the
lavish buff et line: Futures in
Education leader Monsignor
Jamie Gigantiello and
Monsignor David Cassato.
Th ey took a break as they prepare
for the massive, famous
Giglio Festival in Williamsburg,
Brooklyn, where thousands celebrate
St. Paulinus.
Delightedly, I also got to talk
to arts group leader Andrew
Koslosky, chair of the Josephine
Foundation. He gave me one of
the most memorable fun nights
of my life playing Dolly in the
Flushing Town Hall production
of “Hello, Dolly.” I was dolled up
and dripping in real diamonds
courtesy of Alicia’s Jewelers in
Bay Terrace in Bayside. I lit up
the stage fi guratively and spiritually,
and Andrew allowed me to
light up my life. What a memory!
Andrew’s passion is to create
a performing arts school. How
great it would be for our community!
We chatted about his foundation’s
supporter, Bill O’Reilly,
whom he believes was pushed
off Fox News Channel. I only
know of his generosity supporting
Life’s WORC at the annual
Geraldo Rivera Golf Outing.
Andrew shared how generous
Bill has been, giving millions of
dollars to organizations throughout
the years.
If you haven’t read one of Bill’s
historical novels, you are missing
compelling stories. I just fi nished
reading O’Reilly’s “Killing
the SS: Th e Hunt for the
Worst War Criminals in
History.” It’s about the
worldwide hunt for the
Nazi killers who disappeared
from Germany
aft er World War II.
I spent many a late
night reading because I
couldn’t put it down.
Andrew shared that
O’Reilly is doing a popular
podcast, and I wondered
if he’s heard mine, “Power
Women” on schnepsbroadcasting.
A delightful end to the weekend
was visiting Congresswoman
Carolyn Maloney at the home of
once mayoral candidate and new
owner of WABC Radio, John
His home is down the block
from mine on Dune Road and we
got to talk about his radio acquisition
as he bluntly said, “It was
an off er I couldn’t refuse,” adding
that he paid just $12 million for
the legendary station!
John said his team has gone
into the station to evaluate every
department and then take action.
We all talked politics and the
upcoming recount in the Queens
DA race between Borough
President Melinda Katz and
public defender Tiff any Cabán.
It’s a race that has garnered
national attention, with dollars
and manpower for Cabán from
California to Bernie Sanders to
Elizabeth Warren.
Th e left is on the march and
every “extreme moderate” has to
take them very
tweet me @vschneps
Delighted to have
Saturday night
dinnerwith Dr. Diane
Call, retired president
of Queensborough
Community College
in Bayside, and
her husband.
Monsignor Jamie Gigantiello, John Schnakenberg,
Andrew Koslowsky and Monsignor David Cassato
I relaxed lazily on the beach, watching
the seagulls land and fl y away.
I visited John
Catsimatides at
his summer home.
He’s the new
owner of WABC
Jim Argutto hosted
an elaborate July
4 party
Juliana Terrian
and I enjoyed the
July 4 fi reworks
in East Hills Park
from her Rolls