The Secret To Improving Your Home While On A Budget
It can be Economic and Effective
Does your house need a makeover? Are you getting an appraisal or
preparing to sell? Well keep reading and you will find out how you can
give your house amazing curb appeal without breaking the bank. In
fact if you’re preparing to sell your home, you could actually make
This house was transformed for far less then you might imagine. See
the details below for all the costs and descriptions that made this
At Unified we have 5 locations and 15 sales people available to
come to your home to give you a free non pressured estimate 7 days a
Unified supplies and installs Windows, Doors, Siding, Roofing, Stone
work and Attic Insulation. Some other items we sell fully installed are Awnings, Gutters, Leaders and Shutters. Some of these items
can really transform your home and even turn a profit. According to a Wall Street Journal article by Amy Hoak “In terms of cost
recouping at resale, seven of the top ten projects….were exterior replacement projects including windows, doors and siding.” Later
in that same article it estimated a 128.9% return on doors. You may just want to make your house look nice but you will in fact be
putting money in your pocket. Naturally these same projects can be done just for your own enjoyment and pride in your home.
Pri c e Breakdown :
On the home pictured the following items which completely changed
the curb appeal of the home could cost as follows:
Entire Roof removed and replaced. $4500.00
8 New windows fully installed. $1872.00
All new siding on the front of the house. $2900.00
New gutters and leaders front of house. $385.00
4 new pair of shutters $500.00
New front door $899.00
New storm door $389.00
Total Cost $11,445.00
If financed over 5 years this entire project
would cost approximately… $275.00 per month
To get your free in-home est ima te from Unified call (888)631-21 31 or visi t one of thei r 5 sh owrooms l ocat e d in H e mpstead Villa ge, H untingt on, Pa tch ogue, Brook lyn , and S c ars dal e o r visit www . unifiedwi ndows.com
in -h ome estimate fro m Uni fi e d 8 88) 2131 o r v isit t heir sho wro oms loca ted Hem pstea d Vil lage, Hu nt ing ton, Patchog ue, Br ookl yn, Scarsd ale or vis it w ww.u nifie dwin dows.