Queens Library to help those who want to
start or improve their writing skills based
on their own personal experience. Share
your love of writing at the Queens Library at
Maspeth, 69-70 Grand Ave., Maspeth, from
12:30 to 1:30 p.m. No registration.
13 The Noguchi Museum presents
a six-week art workshop. From
5 to 7 p.m., join this workshop as an educator
from the Noguchi Museum Arts gives
us an exploration of materials and processes
inspired by Isamu Noguchi’s studio practices
to create our own works of art. This
workshop is free at the Queens Library at
Broadway, 40-20 Broadway, Long Island
City. No registration!
14 Let’s have fun tonight with Open
Mic Night! Held at the Queens
Library from 6 to 7:30 p.m., come out and
express your talents in either poetry, music,
comedy or spoken words! Spectators are
also welcome. Share your talents at the
Queens Library in Douglaston, 249-01
Northern Blvd., Little Neck. Registration is
15 Come and join the celebration
of Fred Van Lente’s new book
“The Con Artist”! For nearly 20 years, Van
Lante has written “The Amazing Spider-
Man,” “Deadpool vs. The Punisher” and
countless other comic books. Now, Van
Lente returns with his second novel, a
murder mystery set at a comic convention.
Admission is free for this special event
at the Astoria Bookshop, 31-29 31st St.,
Astoria. This event lasts all day! For more
details, call 718-278-2665.
16 The Taikoza Japanese Drummers
Presents Arts, Culture & Fun!
The Taikoza has created new sounds by
using the thunderous rhythms of ancestral
Taiko drums and bamboo flutes. Members
of the Taikoza group has performed in
Carnegie Hall, Boston Symphony Hall and
many other prestigious halls and locations.
The Taikozas are set to perform from
10:30 to 11:30 p.m. at Alley Pond Park, 76th
Avenue and Springfield Boulevard. This
event is free.
18 Let us partake in Zumba! From
6:30 to 7:30 p.m., join us in this
exercise that combines high-energy and
motivational international music with
unique movements. This program is located
at the hockey rink in Little Bay Park,
Cross Island Parkway, Utopia Parkway and
Totten Avenue. This is a free program! Call
718-352-4793 for more details.
19 Do you want your child to create
a masterpiece? Then head to the
Queens Library to make that dream happen.
Children from ages 4 to 12 are invited
to use various materials such as feathers,
origami paper, sand and more to create
works of art. This event is held at the
Queens Library in Baisley Park, 117-11
Sutphin Blvd., Jamaica, from 2:30 to 3:45
p.m. Registration is not required.
Prepare to be amazed! From balls, clubs and knives, Michael Karas presents a juggling show that
is filled with jaw-dropping stunts, hilarious physical comedy and exciting audience participation.
Michael will dazzle all with his incredible array of circus talents! There is no admission fee. Come
and see Michael at Fantasy Forest Amusement Park in Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Grand Central
Parkway, Whitestone Expressway, 111th Street and College Point Boulevard. Two individual performances
will take place at 2 and 4 p.m. on Sunday, July 8. For more details, call 718-788-2676.
Learn how to grow healthy crops and foster a farm ecosystem by joining the NYC Compost Project!
From 9 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, July 11, this project is designed for people who to lend a hand
of the urban farm at the Queens Botanical Garden and partaking in various plant activities like weeding,
harvesting, processing food scraps and so much more! Volunteers must be a at least 16 years of
age. This project is free to attend and is held at the Queens Botanical Garden, 43-50 Main St. For more
information, visit queensbotanical.org.