Stay hydrated this summer and year-round
Staying hydrated is a necessity, but
sometimes it’s diffi cult to tell when your
body needs water, especially during
warmer months. Experts say on average
men need 15 cups (3.6 liters) and
women need 11 cups (2.6 liters) of water
per day.
Our bodies are about 60 percent water,
and just losing 1.5 percent can be the tipping
point for mild dehydration. Culligan
International, a world leader in the treatment
of water, is off ering tips to keep you
and your people well hydrated.
1. Bring water on the go. Going to
work, the park, the pool or the library?
Wherever you are headed, always bring a
reusable water bottle. Th is goes for your
people too. Have each member of your
household choose their own water bottle
and label it with their name. Allowing
young children to pick a favorite water
bottle provides added incentive to take
frequent water breaks. Set the water bottles
in a high-traffi c area or close to the
door so you don’t forget them when leaving
home. And refi ll, refi ll, refi ll whenever
2. Drink good water. Not all water is
created equal. Filling your reusable bottle
with fi ltered water can ensure it not only
tastes better, but is also better for you.
Home fi ltration or reverse osmosis (RO)
systems work to reduce contaminants
that may be in your tap water. While
installing such a system used to require a
dedicated faucet that meant drilling a hole
in your counter or losing a soap dispenser,
the Culligan ClearLink PRO alleviates
this need. ClearLink PRO is a wireless
control system that delivers fi ltered water
from your main faucet with the touch
of a button. Th e wireless button can be
placed virtually anywhere, making access
to great-tasting water easier and less conspicuous
than ever.
3. Establish hydration routine. If you
have trouble remembering to drink water,
establish a drinking routine. Start your
day with a glass of water, followed by
a glass at and between each meal and a
glass before bed. Or, drink a small glass
of water at the beginning of each hour.
Establishing a drinking routine is an easy
way to ensure that you reach the recommended
water intake each day.
4. Increase intake with workouts. A
good rule of thumb is to drink water
before, during and aft er a workout.
According to the Mayo Clinic, if you
exercise or engage in any activity that
makes you sweat, you need to drink extra
water to compensate for fl uid loss. An
extra 1.4 to 2.5 cups (.33 to .60 liters) of
water should suffi ce for short bouts of
exercise, but intense exercise lasting more
than an hour requires more fl uid intake.
How much depends on how much you
sweat and the duration and type of exercise.
And don’t rely on water fountains; be
sure to bring your reusable water bottle to
workout sessions.
5. Load up on fruits and veggies. Fruits
and vegetables are high in water content
and an excellent way to complement
water intake and stay hydrated.
Watermelon, cantaloupe and strawberries
are among fruits with the highest water
content. For vegetables, it’s cucumbers,
fi nds a bone
for local
Members of the community joined Flushing
Hospital Medical Center for the hospital’s marrow
donor drive to help fi nd a match for school teacher
Carolyn Inzirillo. Carolyn, a Flushing native, has
been battling leukemia for four years and requires a
life-saving bone marrow or stem cell transplant. To
learn how you can help or to join the Gift or Life
Marrow Registry, visit www.gift ofl ife.org/carolyn.
iceberg lettuce, celery, tomatoes and zucchini.
Before eating, be sure to rinse produce
under fi ltered water to safely clean
and maintain the health benefi ts. Fruits
and veggies are also easy to serve at home
and eat on the go.
For more information about water fi ltration
solutions, visit www.heyculligan.
Courtesy BPT
Photo courtesy of Flushing Hospital