5 Ways to Give Your Body a Boost Inside and Out
Balancing work and life is no small
proposition, and when things heat up, it
can be easy to let your normal self-care
habits slide. While a busy lifestyle may
not allow for luxurious weekly trips to
the spa to rejuvenate, you can still steal
moments to promote the wellbeing of
your mind and body.
Wake up with water. Staying properly
hydrated is an important way to
keep your body in top condition. Proper
hydration can help keep all your body’s
systems functioning like a well-lubricated
machine. Some studies have even shown
that starting the day with a cold glass of
water can help jumpstart your metabolism
and curb cravings. Carry water with
you throughout the day so you can sip
whenever the urge hits you and aim for at
least 64 ounces a day.
Take care of your skin. Hydration is
important for your skin. Bring the bliss
of a spa experience into your shower with
a body wash like Soft soap Hydra Bliss
Hydrating Body Wash, which is craft -
ed with rejuvenating scents like Coconut
Water and Blueberry or Cucumber Water
and Mint. Th ese formulas help retain
your skin’s natural moisture,
which can leave your skin feeling
soft and smooth. Follow up
with a moisturizing lotion to
leave skin silky and soft all day
Make drive time your zen
time. Instead of using your
morning commute to run
through your to-do list and
mentally prepare for your work
day, give yourself permission to
let those duties wait until you
reach your desk. Instead, take
a mental boost by listening to
some of your favorite music or
enjoying an audiobook.
Eat for energy. Food has
one true purpose: fueling the
body. At mealtime, put your
wellbeing fi rst and load up
on foods that deliver nutrition
your body needs. Look for
proteins, a moderate amount
of carbs and essentials like
fi ber that promote good digestion.
Avoid feeling deprived
by allowing yourself to enjoy
occasional treats, but generally
avoid unnecessary calories and
sugary snacks.
Wash away your worries. Aft er a rough
day, there are few things like a warm
shower or bath to help wash it all away.
Allow soothing aromas to envelop your
senses as you lather your skin for a relaxing
clean. Experience the essence of serenity
with an option like Soft soap Pure Zen
Relaxing Body Wash. Choose from tranquil
scents of Rosewater and Lotus Flower
or Jasmine and Watermint for a relaxing
sensory experience.
Explore more ways to take better care of
your body inside and out at soft soap.com.
A Fit, Fun Summer
Make smart fi tness choices with
post-workout recovery and hydration
During warm-weather months, fi tness
enthusiasts oft en take their exercise routines
to the great outdoors. Th e spike in
summer temperatures can make those
tough workouts even more challenging.
Even aft er your workout is complete,
your body does not stop - aft er a tough
sweat session in the summer heat, you
need to replenish what you lost to rebuild
and refuel muscles. A tall glass of chocolate
milk may not be the fi rst thing you
think to reach for aft er a long run, but
recovering from each intense workout
with the nutrients in low-fat chocolate
milk allows you to get the most out of
your fi tness routine.
Before gearing up for your summer
workout routine, make sure you are taking
care of your body with these tips.
Be Mindful of High
High temperatures don’t have to
get in the way of your workout plan,
but it’s important to consider the heat
index and time of day when exercising.
Temperatures typically peak during the
middle of the day, so aim to work out in
the morning or once the sun starts to set.
Th e body loses a lot of important nutrients
through sweat. Learn your sweat rate
by weighing yourself with minimal clothing
before and aft er one hour of sweaty
exercise. One pound of sweat loss equals
16 ounces of fl uid loss. Th is can guide
your fl uid intake during your next workout.
Replenish What You
Lose in Sweat
Aft er putting in real work this summer,
your body needs real recovery. Recovery
aft er strenuous exercise can make a diff erence
in how well you can perform during
your next workout. For example, low-fat
chocolate milk helps replenish fl uids and
electrolytes lost in sweat. In fact, drinking
low-fat or fat-free milk aft er exercise
could restore hydration better than other
popular post-exercise beverages, including
water or sports drinks, according to a
study published in the “American Journal
of Clinical Nutrition.” Plus, chocolate
milk has a 3-to-1 carb-to-protein ratio
scientifi cally shown to refuel and rebuild
muscles quickly.
Shield Yourself from
the Sun’s Rays
Just because your fi tness routine
includes strenuous laps in a pool or a run
through shady trails doesn’t mean you
Courtesy Family Features
are protected from the sun. Apply sunscreen
with SPF 30 or higher to your face,
neck, ears and body before exercising outdoors.
If you’re going back out for another
round of laps in the pool or around the
track, reapply sunscreen 20-30 minutes
before getting back to work.
While summer weather provides many
opportunities for fresh air and fi tness, it’s
important to remember these tips and more
for healthy hydration. Find more information
at builtwithchocolatemilk.com.
Courtesy Family Features
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