Easy ways to create your personalized garden
All around the country, fi rst-time gardeners
and seasoned pros are jumping
into the growing season. No matter where
you live, whether it’s in an apartment in
the heart of the city or a house with a spacious
backyard, vegetable and herb gardening
is a fun, relaxing hobby that is easy
to enjoy.
What makes vegetable and herb gardening
such a popular pastime is that
each person can make their own space to
fi t their needs. Whether you’re into growing
the most unique plants, a foodie looking
for exciting new veggies, or just want
more green in your life, you can create a
unique garden just for you.
For a look at the top trends, and how
you can garden to fi t your needs, the
experts at Burpee Plants off er the following
insights to help spark your own edible
garden creativity.
Trend No. 1: Fresh
herb fl avor
Th ere’s nothing like a freshcut
sprig of parsley, basil, rosemary
or any number of other
herbs to liven up a meal. With
Burpee’s indoor herb collection,
gardeners get to enjoy the
convenience of having a selection
of popular herbs on hand
and ready for any meal, no matter
the season. Th e fresh fl avors
and scents of home-grown
herbs can be enjoyed in so many
ways, even in infused waters or
DIY projects. Th e indoor herb
collection is a perfect solution
for those who might not have
outdoor gardening space but
crave the benefi ts that fresh herbs provide.
Trend No. 2: Fun and
inventive veggies
Vegetable gardening is a great way to
explore foods you may not have heard of,
like Dragon Roll Shishito Pepper, which has
become a hit on menus across the country.
Milder than a jalapeno with great umami
fl avor, 1 in 10 peppers is spicy-hot for an
intriguing meal experience. Th ey’re easy to
grow in planters on patios or in the ground,
making them the perfect choice for foodies.
Trend No. 3: Organic vegetable
and herb gardening
It’s common for people to look for
organic food when grocery shopping.
Likewise, more gardeners want to be sure
the food they are growing is organic. Th is
means using organic fertilizer and plant
food, as well as growing certifi ed organic
vegetables and herbs. Th e organic label
means these plants are free from chemical
additives, which is better for the environment
and for you. From sweet bell peppers
and ripe tomatoes to crisp cucumbers
and juicy strawberries, you can enjoy
the peace of mind that comes from knowing
the source of your food.
Whether you’re new to growing your
own food or a seasoned gardener looking
to expand your tastes, Burpee has unique
and exclusive fl avors to make your vegetable
garden a success. And now is the
perfect time of year to get started.
Courtesy BPT