Battling Rosacea: How to Recognize and Treat the Common
Skin Condition that Causes Redness, Bumps and Breakouts
If you experience persistent facial redness,
blushing, acne-like breakouts, visible
blood vessels and or burning, itching
or stinging on your face, it may be
a chronic infl ammatory skin condition
called rosacea. An estimated 16 million
Americans have rosacea, yet many people
don’t know their symptoms could be
a sign of this common condition.
Rosacea may be easily mistaken as other
skin conditions because it can masquerade
as acne, sensitive skin or even look
like a sunburn. While rosacea might be
diffi cult to diagnose, the good news is that
it is treatable, and clearer skin is possible.
Here are some tips and tricks to understand
whether your skin woes may be
rosacea - and how to manage this chronic
Understand the Symptoms: Rosacea
tends to fi rst appear aft er age 30 and typically
starts with persistent facial redness
and/or breakouts resembling pimples.
Unlike acne, however, rosacea involves
persistent redness and fl ushing and does
not include blackheads. Rosacea can also
cause the eyes to feel gritty or appear
Look Out for Triggers: Rosacea can
appear in reaction to everyday factors
such as sun exposure, exercise, spicy
foods, alcohol consumption or even hot/
cold weather, so be sure to take notice of
any patterns in symptoms.
Investigate Your Skincare Regimen:
Facial scrubs, cosmetics and some types
of cleansers - particularly those with fragrance,
alcohol or witch hazel - can also
irritate the skin and trigger a fl are up.
Ask Your Dermatologist: Th ere are
proven options that a dermatologist can
prescribe to get the symptoms of rosacea
under control, including Soolantra(R)
(ivermectin) Cream, 1 percent, a gentle
yet powerful cream that in clinical
trials was proven to start working in as
little as two weeks to help reduce the
infl ammatory lesions of rosacea (bumps
and blemishes). Other options include
Oracea(R) (doxycycline, USP) 40mg*
Capsules, which target infl ammation of
rosacea from within and was not shown
to contribute to antibiotic resistance in a
9 month study, and MIRVASO(R) (brimonidine)
topical gel, 0.33%**, a daily
treatment that can reduce the persistent
facial redness of rosacea quickly - oft en in
as little as 30 minutes aft er use.
While rosacea can be overwhelming
and stressful, it does not have to defi ne
you - there are eff ective treatments and
practical resources ready for all those
coping with the condition. For more
information about triggers, skincare tips,
treatment options and how to connect
with a dermatologist, visit RosaceaRelief.
Courtesy BPT