Ease the pressure of managing your glaucoma
Did you know that according to the
Glaucoma Research Foundation (GRF),
nearly 3 million people in the U.S. have
glaucoma, and about half of them don’t
even realize they have it? Glaucoma is
oft en called the “silent thief of sight”
because it is asymptomatic and painless,
and can go undetected until it is at
an advanced stage. However, those who
are aware of their glaucoma may feel the
pressure of managing their condition.
Th e National Eye Institute (NEI) characterizes
glaucoma as damage to the
eye’s optic nerve that can result in vision
loss. Th is can occur when fl uid buildup
increases the intraocular eye pressure
(IOP) to a point that can no longer
be tolerated by the optic nerve, causing
irreversible damage. As the disease
progresses, Kellogg Eye Center reports
patients may lose their peripheral vision,
and experience tunnel vision, blind spots
or even complete blindness.
Th e burden of managing the condition
may be frustrating, seemingly unnecessary
and cumbersome. Because glaucoma
is a chronic condition, it has to be managed
for life. However, the nerve damage
caused by increased IOP could have
no symptoms, which makes adhering to
a treatment schedule a struggle for many.
Th e GRF reports that research has shown
approximately 40 percent of patients do
not take their glaucoma medications as
prescribed, or do not continue to refi ll
“Th e daily adherence to strict treatment
regimens is overwhelming for many
patients suff ering from increased intraocular
pressure associated with glaucoma,”
said Dr. Brian Flowers* of Ophthalmology
Associates in Fort Worth, Texas. “Patients
should work closely with their eye care
provider to determine a schedule that
works for them, or to discuss surgical
options that may help reduce dependence
on daily drops.”
Alcon, the global leader in eye care,
off ers the following tips that may help
relieve the pressure of daily treatment
regimens for their IOP.
Visit your doctor for a regular eye
screening. Since the condition can silently
progress, only experts can appropriately
diagnose and treat this “silent thief of
sight,” while providing guidance on treatment
that may work best for you.Follow
a schedule that works best for you. Be
sure to take your medication exactly as
directed, by setting reminders or timers,
according to the GRF.
Consult your doctor on the best way
to manage your medication schedule, on
your terms. Consider one of the microinvasive
glaucoma surgical (MIGS) options
that may reduce your need for glaucoma
medications. For those with increased
IOP associated with mild-to-moderate
primary open angle glaucoma and undergoing
cataract surgery, the CyPass®
Micro-Stent from Alcon is an innovative
option that not only can ease the pressure
in your eyes, but may also help reduce
daily dependence on topical glaucoma
Talk to your doctor to see if this option
is right for you.
“Th e fi rst step to easing the pressure
caused by glaucoma is becoming
informed, and knowing to visit your doctor
regularly so that you can be diagnosed
as early as possible,” said Dr. Randy
Craven* of Johns Hopkins Medicine in
Baltimore, Maryland. “Aft er being diagnosed,
work with your doctor to consider
your options so you can continue to live
your life fully despite the condition.”
Considering your personal lifestyle
when deciding your course of treatment
is key to easing the pressure due to glaucoma,
and will help you and your doctor
decide the best path forward, and whether
a MIGS option, such as CyPass® Micro-
Stent, could be right for you.
Visit MyCyPass.com for more information
about how you can lower your eye
pressure at the same time as cataract surgery
and to fi nd a CyPass® Micro-Stent
surgeon in your local area.
Courtesy BPT
Reddy Care opens expanded location in Great Neck
On April 26, Reddy Care Physical
Th erapy, located at 475 Northern Blvd.
in Great Neck, held a ribbon-cutting ceremony
for its expanded facilities, including
a new offi ce, suite 19, situated across
the lobby of the building from their original
location. Th e new space almost doubles
the size of their current space and will
allow Reddy Care to treat more patients,
more comfortably. It is equipped with
massage tables, state of the art equipment,
the Solo-Step, a 100 percent fallproof
overhead track and harness system
used for balance therapy. Established
in 2003 by President/Owner, Dr. Vinod
Somareddy, PT, Reddy Care Physical
Th erapy has been featured on the Inc.
5000 list of the fastest growing companies
in the country for the past four years and
counting. In addition to this new space,
they have a location in Farmingdale and
provide In-Home Th erapy throughout all
of Queens and Long Island.
Photo by Nelson Nieves
Dr. Vinod Somareddy, (President/Owner), Alex Gomez (CEO), Manuela Marczynski (VPPR), and Dr. Stephanie Idjadi (DPT, CAFS, FMT, Clinical Director), are
joined by staff and patients of Reddy Care Physical Therapy.