at home
Spring lawn care is easier than ever
Th e snow has melted, fl owers are beginning
4 tips for festive fl ourishing fl owers, vibrant plants and hardy herbs
Spring is in full bloom, but are your
plants keeping pace? If the answer is anything
but a resounding yes, don’t worry.
Th ere’s still plenty of time to get into the
spirit of the season and grow your most
beautiful bed of fl owers.
“Th ere’s nothing like the start of the
season,” says Emily Murphy of Pass the
Pistil blog. “I love planning my space,
buying seeds and starts, and making sure
I have the right tools to make the gardening
season a success. Before I start any
project, I do a quick inventory to be sure
I have everything I need, like my circular
sprinkler. It makes customizing water
coverage easy, with shape control collars
that move to mirror the area you want to
water, which is a real lifesaver throughout
the season.”
A lush bed of fl owers or a row of beautiful
plants is an instant focal point in any
outdoor space. To help create a fl ourishing
bed that everyone will notice, follow
these easy tips.
* Plant based on your zone. Not all
fl owers succeed in the same weather conditions,
which makes planting based on
what grows best in your geographical area
crucial. Use this planting map as a great
tool to learn more about what to plant
based on your zone. For example, geraniums
thrive best in zones that have mild
winters and hot summers, like Zone 10. If
you live in Zone 1, look for a drought-tolerant
and tremendously cold hardy plant,
like sunfl owers.
• Preparing the soil. Each plant has different
soil requirements. If you’re looking
to complement your garden with
vegetables like artichokes, you should
be sure the soil crumbles and doesn’t
clump together when squeezed in your
hand. If you wish to plant chrysanthemums,
well-draining soil with consistent
moisture is essential. In both cases,
regular watering helps bring your soil
to the right consistency. Th e Gilmour
Th umb Control Watering Nozzle with
Swivel Connect off ers eight spray patterns
that let you water individual plants
- or their bases - perfectly with a swivel
connection to reduce hose twisting
and kinking.
• Plant properly. Similar to zone and soil,
the depth and spacing of the holes you
dig also vary per plant. Hydrangeas, for
example, should be planted in a hole
that is two feet wider than their root ball
and shallow enough so that it sits slightly
above the ground. Th is way, once
fi lled in, water will drain away from the
plant. On the opposite end of the spectrum,
lettuce seeds can be planted in a
much smaller space, roughly one quarter
to one half inch deep in the soil.
Th in leaf lettuce seeds can be planted
four inches apart, while romaine lettuce
seeds should be planted six to eight
inches apart. Following the guidelines
for each type of plant is the best way for
them to get a healthy start to the season.
• Apply the right amount of water. Water
is essential for growth of both plants
and herbs, but the proper quantity varies
drastically depending on what you’re
growing. For tender herbs like basil, dill
and cilantro, use plenty of water, about
1-2 inches per week. For hardy herbs
like rosemary, thyme and mint, be sure
to let the soil dry out between watering.
To navigate around plants smoothly,
use a Flexogen Hose. It’s durable
and kink-resistant, so you can weave
throughout the garden with ease.
Get started in your garden today
Successfully growing spring plants
requires a strategy as diverse as the plants
themselves, so it’s important to learn as
much as you can about each plant before
diving in. For more helpful gardening tips
and information, visit Gilmour.com.
Courtesy BPT
to bloom, and you wake to the sound
of birds chirping: all signs that spring is
here. Spring means time to give your lawn
the TLC it needs, but most of us dread the
thought of weekends spent occupied by
yard work. Luckily, in 2018, getting that
perfectly green grass and enviable garden
does not have to be hard.
• Prevent disease and pests - Disease and
pests can be stopped before they strike. At
the beginning of the season, use your yard
rake to remove any dead grass shoots. By
removing this debris early you can prevent
disease and pests while also giving
your lawn suffi cient time to recover.
• Simplify mowing - Cutting the grass
no longer requires preparation and
setup. With innovative options like the
Greenworks 60-volt self-propelled lawn
mower, you do not need to worry about
gassing up your mower or fi nding the
nearest outlet for the extension cord.
Th e mower can run up to 60 minutes
with a fully-charged battery, so it
is ready to go when you are, and you
never have to smell like gas again! Th e
mower’s smart-cut technology adjusts
the power based on the thickness of
your grass, extending the run time and
improving cutting performance.
• Water on time - Consistency in watering
is an easy way to keep your grass
green and lush. Maintain a schedule to
prevent your grass from drying out and
browning. Sprinklers and outdoor timers
will ensure that your grass does not
miss a watering session.
• Shape hedges - Anyone can create the
perfect hedge shape. Now that your
grass is healthy, freshly cut and weedfree,
it is time to focus on the rest of your
yard. Try a cordless, battery-powered
product like the Greenworks 60-volt
hedge trimmer. Th e lighter weight and
strong power allow you to trim your
hedges without wearing out your body.
Whether your hedges are up high or
running along your fence, no place is
out of reach.
Spring is just beginning and now is the
time to get a jump start on your lawn. To
learn more about the tools that can make
lawn care easier this spring, visit www.
Courtesy BPT