Don’t let your beautiful bunny turn into a rampaging rabbit
Whether running around your yard
or in an enclosure at the pet store, bunnies
can be cute. Don’t let their outward
appearance fool you, however.
Bunnies can be very destructive animals,
digging into and chewing on everything
in sight, carpet, furniture, woodwork,
even electrical cords. Fortunately,
there are some things you can do to curb
the behavior.
It doesn’t matter where they are.
Outside or inside, bunnies, by nature, will
burrow, dig and chew. Th eir teeth and
claws are forever growing, and in order to
keep them healthy, sharp and trimmed,
they must burrow, dig and chew. It is
essential that you provide items for your
bunny to burrow into, dig into and chew
on. Th ere are a wide variety of products
available. Check into them.
Having a continuous supply of Timothy
hay to munch on, toys to play with and
untreated grass mats to dig into will do
wonders for keeping your pet bunny busy
and away from your household possessions.
You can also make your own toys
using stuff around the house and yard.
Old cardboard boxes make great places to
burrow into, while old apple tree branches
make great chew toys. Keep in mind
that the wider selection of toys you provide
for your bunny, the more likely its
urge to burrow, dig and chew will be satisfi
Even with a great
selection of playthings,
your bunny
may still be tempted. Th at stack of shoes
at the foot of your bed and that lovely
cardboard castle in your daughter’s room
may call out to them. Curb the temptation
by keeping everything important
out of your bunny’s reach. File all paperwork,
tuck away electrical
cords and set up gates
and pens.
Don’t just let your
bunny have the run of the house. Block
off access to certain rooms and furniture
or contain your bunny in a pen. Bunnyproofi
ng is essential, as is training. You
may know the diff erence between good
and bad behavior, but your bunny doesn’t.
Again, bunnies by nature like to burrow,
dig and chew. Th ey don’t know they
shouldn’t burrow into your tennis shoes
or chew on the laces unless you teach
them. Should you fi nd your bunny gnawing
on something it shouldn’t, tell it no,
clap your hands and give it a chew toy.
When you fi nd it using its chew toys,
reward it with a treat, praise or aff ection.
Training is imperative for stopping bad
habits before they begin. Finally, consider
having your bunny spayed or neutered.
Not only will this prevent baby bunnies,
but it will make your bunny less prone
to chewing, digging and other destructive
Having a pet bunny can be a test in
patience at fi rst, but with time and training,
you can teach your bunny acceptable
behavior and keep your home intact. Give
it a go, and your bunny is sure to act as
cute as it looks.
Courtesy Creators.com
Here’s what you need to know about owning birds
Some people like dogs and cats. Some
people like hamsters and guinea pigs.
Some people like snakes and lizards.
Some people like frogs and fi sh. And,
some people like birds above all else.
If you like birds and are considering
becoming a bird owner, you’ll want to
make sure you select the right bird for
your needs. You don’t want to choose
a bird that requires more time, money
and care than you have to give. Here is
a brief list of some of the best birds for
Birds generally come in two types:
hands-off and hands-on. If you prefer
simply to watch your bird in its cage, then
a hands-off breed will suffi ce.
If, on the other hand, you would like
more interaction with your bird, a handson
breed is best.
• Canaries. Known for their vivid coloring
and vocal prowess, canaries make a
great choice for beginners. Not ones to
be handled, canaries are content to sit
in their cage and entertain their owners
with their behavior and beauty. Male
canaries, in fact, sing.
• Finches. Like canaries, fi nches are more
at home in their cages twittering and
fl itting about than they are snuggling
with their owners. Th ey prefer to be
with other fi nches and need a lot of
space, so a pair of fi nches in a large cage
is best.
• Parakeets. Parakeets are very aff ectionate
birds, so much in fact that they can
deal with a bit of handling. Th ey come
in several colors and will bond with
their owners if cared for properly.
• Cockatiels. Cockatiels are fun-loving
birds that love to be stroked and snuggled.
Th ey are also great whistlers.
• Parrots. Breeds vary, but almost all parrots
are social. Th e colorful creatures
have the gift for gab and enjoy their
heads and necks being scratched.
• Peach-Faced Lovebirds. When handled
with love, Peach-Faced Lovebirds will
be a best friend for life. Th ey like to be
snuggled, and many are content to travel
in their owner’s pocket or up on their
Th ese are just a few of the birds that
make good choices for fi rst-time bird
owners. Th ere are many others, including
doves. Before you choose, do your
homework. Know what you are getting
into and work with a reputable breeder
or store to ensure you get a healthy bird.
Courtesy Creators.com