Non-profi t leaders study the ‘Art of
Thriving’ at New Hyde Park conference
Leaders of non-profi t organizations
from Long Island and Queens joined
executives on April 11 to network and
learn about strategies for success in the
global economy.
Hosted by Investors Bank, the ‘Art
of Th riving’ not-for-profi t conference
brought hundreds of executives together
at the Inn at New Hyde Park for a
keynote address, panel discussion and
special session on tax reform. Investors
Bank has been hosting similar conferences
in the New York metropolitan area
since 2010, but this was its fi rst on Long
Island, according to assistant vice president
and community development offi -
cer for Investors Bank, Jennifer L. Smith.
“Th e reason we host the conferences is
to give back at the local level to nonprofits
by providing resources and bringing
together experts,” Smith said. “It’s our
way to partner with nonprofi ts locally
because we’re a grassroots bank.”
Th e overall goal for this year’s conference
was to motivate and inspire not-forprofi
t professionals and board members
as they work together to accomplish their
missions and realize their full potential,
even as resources are shrinking. Th e chosen
speakers provided guidance and case
studies on how nonprofi ts can think strategically
about what is most important to
achieving vision.
Th e keynote speaker at the event was
Ed Henry, president & CEO of Th e Doris
Duke Charitable Foundation. Th e foundation
supports grant programs in the
performing arts, the environment, medical
research and child well-being, and
Henry said he was impressed with the size
of the conference.
“When you look at the number of people
and the number of organizations here
at this conference, it really speaks to people’s
eff orts to strengthen communities,”
Henry said. “My only goal is to help people
try to succeed at the work that they’re
Investors Bank President and CEO
Kevin Cummings also spoke at the event
and encouraged the audience members
that each of their missions is important.
John Nietzel, senior vice president for
Investors Bank, said that the conference
was about more than just learning from
the experts. It also provided nonprofit
leaders with an opportunity to share
“Th ey get the opportunity to network
with people, not only bankers, but all
these other not-for-profi ts,” Nietzel said.
“You never know, they might be able to
share services, share experiences, coach
each other, it’s a tremendous opportunity.”
Th e panel discussion was moderated by
Rhonda Klch, executive director of Equity
First Foundation. Th e goal of the foundation
is to provide vital fi nancial literacy
programs to a variety of New York
communities. Klch
said that with so many
diff erent nonprofi ts present,
the goal of the panel discussion
was to discover the shared needs
between them.
“What we’re trying to do is take a variety
of people from all diff erent sectors
and fi gure out what the common denominator
is that makes everybody tick on the
inside,” Klch said.
Paule T. Pachter is the chief executive
offi cer of Long Island Cares, Inc.,
which brings together resources to provide
for the hungry and food insecure
on Long Island and provide humanitarian
needs for its communities.
Pachter said that
as a panel speaker he
was not only looking
forward to sharing his
experience with others,
but he wanted to
learn from everyone
else as well.
“Not-for-profi ts right
now are very concerned
about what the federal government
support looks like,”
Pachter said. “For me, I’m here to
learn just as much as everyone else and
to share whatever expertise or opinions I
have that would be of valuable to the people
that are here today.”
Another panelist, Th e Michael Magro
Foundation Founder Terrie Magro,
spoke about the importance of social
media to gain prospective donors.
Other speakers at the event included
Director of Vision Long Island Eric
Alexander and Grassi & Company CPA,
Partner and Not-for-profi t Practice
Leader David Rottkamp.
Ana Oliveira, senior vice president
and market executive for Investors Bank,
introduced the panelists to the crowd and
said that the conference summed up the
bank’s overall mission.
“It’s the fabric of our footprint,”
Oliveira said. “We really try to help notfor
profi ts within our communities that
we serve, and having it at a venue like
this where we bring some experts in to
provide some advice to local nonprofi ts
that might be having some challenges is
a great thing to do and be able to off er to
give back to the communities that support
us as well.”
Top: Ana Oliveira, Victoria Schneps and Mike Billia with guests
Right: Jennifer Miller and John Nietzel