at home
The secret places pests are hiding in your home
Pests can be hiding just about everywhere
- whether you can see them or not. When
you know where to look, there are preventative
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measures you can take to help avoid
a pest infestation problem in your home.
Terminix shares details on the unexpected,
“secret” places pests can be hiding.
Sinks and drains
One oft en overlooked area is the kitchen
sink. When not properly sanitized,
drains can become a breeding ground
for pests like cockroaches, drain beetles
and fruit fl ies. Cockroaches are one of
the more common pests found in drains
as they can access pipes when pushed
up from sewers. Cockroaches survive in
drains by feeding on available organic
matter like grease, food waste and hair.
Other drain-breeding pests include
drain fl ies, which resemble tiny moths,
and fruit fl ies. Drain fl ies breed in residue
found in drains. Fruit fl ies are attracted
to garbage residue found in drains,
which can contain damp, organic matter
in which to lay eggs, and is a good food
source to feed young larvae. Use smaller
drain mesh and drain cleaner to create a
less appealing environment for drain fl ies
and fruit fl ies.
Ceiling light fi xtures
Bugs see UV lighting more clearly than
humans, making ceiling light fi xtures a
common place to fi nd insects. Flies, beetles,
cockroaches and wasps are attracted
to the warmth and light, which, unfortunately
for them, typically results in an
early death.
Electrical outlets
One of the most unexpected places
pests hide is inside your electrical outlets.
Ants, beetles and bed bugs have been
known to hide in electrical outlets and
the voids behind the outlet plate. A pest
control technician may use a dry residual
dust product to reduce any bugs that
could be residing there. If bed bugs are
found in electrical outlets, it is likely there
are more in other parts of the room or
home, so call a professional to schedule a
full home inspection.
The kitchen pantry
Equally likely to welcome uninvited
guests is your kitchen pantry and
cupboards. Pantry pests can include
moths, weevils, beetles and mice, all of
which are attracted to food stored in the
kitchen. Pantry pests can quickly contaminate
batches of cooking and baking
ingredients, such as fl our, grains,
spices and pricey nuts and dried fruits.
Th ankfully, there are plenty of ways to
keep them out of your cabinets, including
examining all packaging for damage;
avoiding storing food in original
cardboard and paper packaging and
instead choosing airtight containers
with sealing lids; buying smaller quantities
of products and using them before
expiration; consistently organizing and
cleaning your pantry; and throwing
away all contaminated food. For even
more information on secret places pests
may be hiding in your home, go to
Courtesy BPT