105th Precinct
Queens Village
Hateful vandals hit
mosque site
Police are investigating hateful graffi -
ti that was found at the site of a Queens
Village mosque that is under construction.
It was reported to police that between
6 p.m. on March 9 and 12:30 p.m.
on March 10, an unidentifi ed person
approached a construction site, located
at 80-35 237th St., and wrote “mosque,”
“911” and “TERR” in four diff erent places
on the site.
Th e report was made by a representative
from the construction company.
Th e NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force were
notifi ed and responded to the scene.
Th e investigation is ongoing.
106th Precinct
South Ozone Park
Firebug busted for
torching cars
A South Ozone Park man has been
charged for allegedly setting nine separate
fi res to vehicles in his neighborhood
between December 2017 and February
Evan Person, 29, was charged with
third-degree arson and third-degree
criminal mischief. He is currently being
held on $250,000 bond/$150,000 cash bail
and ordered to return to court on March
28. If convicted, Person faces up to 15
years in prison.
“In both December of last year and
February of this year, the defendant is
alleged to have set various vehicles on
fi re,” District Attorney Richard A. Brown
said. “Th ese bizarre sprees damaged property
as well as endangered the lives of people
in the neighborhood and responding
fi refi ghters. Th ese were senseless, frivolous
acts — and if proven true — the
defendant will face serious prison time.”
According to the criminal complaint,
starting at 7 a.m. on Dec. 17, 2017, and
continuing into the aft ernoon, fi refi ghters
responded to fi ve diff erent addresses
on and near 116th Avenue where vehicles
had been set on fi re.
During this time, Person allegedly
intentionally set a 2006 Nissan, a 1998
Mercedes Benz, a 2000 Ford Excursion,
a 2009 Nissan and a 2014 Mercedes Benz
ablaze, causing damage to each vehicle.
Person is alleged to have also set fi re
to four additional vehicles located in and
around 124th Street on Feb. 6, 2018.
Firefi ghters responded to calls starting
shortly aft er midnight and extinguished
fl ames coming from a 1998 Honda Civic,
a 2003 Mitsubishi, a 2008 Kia and a Buick.
“Th ese alleged reckless acts of arson not
only damaged the property of numerous
Queens residents, but needlessly diverted
fi refi ghting resources that otherwise
should have been available if needed for
true life-threatening emergencies,” Fire
Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro said.
“Our fi re marshals will track down and
apprehend anyone who uses fi re to damage
property or endanger lives in our
108th Precinct
Man wanted for
stabbing his ex
Detectives need the public’s help in
tracking down a Woodside man who
allegedly knifed his former girlfriend
inside an apartment early on Sunday
Law enforcement sources said that
Marco Antonio Baez, 32, allegedly got
into a dispute with his former 29-year-old
companion inside an apartment on 65th
Place near 50th Avenue at about 5:20 a.m.
on March 11.
Th e spat turned violent, police said,
when Baez allegedly stabbed the woman
in the abdomen; he then fl ed the location.
Offi cers from the 108th Precinct and
EMS units responded to a 911 call about
the scene. Paramedics brought the victim
to Elmhurst Hospital, where she was
treated for a puncture wound to her
abdomen and a lacerated spleen, authorities
Police sources said that Baez has nine
prior arrests dating back to 2015, including
on charges of criminal contempt,
grand larceny and robbery.
According to a wanted fl ier posted on
the 108th Precinct’s Twitter account, Baez
stands 5 feet, 7 inches tall, weighs 180
pounds and has black hair. He is known
to frequent the confi nes of the 108th,
110th and 115th precincts, which spans
an area stretching from Long Island City
to Corona.
Anyone with information regarding
Baez’s whereabouts can call the 108th
Precinct Detective Squad at 718-784-
5441; all calls are kept confi dential.
Flushing man
booked for deadly
Corona stabbing
A Flushing man was arrested on
Sunday, March 11, for stabbing to death
one man and injuring another on a
Corona street earlier that morning.
According to police, the stabbing
occurred in the early hours of March
11 outside of a home at 35-20 103rd St.
Police responded to an assault call at
4:22 a.m. when they found two men with
multiple stab wounds.
Marcos Anzurez, 34, of 59th Avenue
in Flushing stabbed a 34-year-old
male in the right leg and fatally knifed
29-year-old Luis Apolonio, who lived
Photo via Twitter/@NYPD114Pct
on 103rd Street in Corona. Both victims
were transported to Elmhurst Hospital,
where Apolonio was pronounced dead.
Anzurez was charged with second-degree
murder and criminal possession of
a weapon.
114th Precinct
Scare over ‘bomb’
full of spaghetti
Cops fl ooded a Mobile Gas Station at
21st Street and Broadway on March 12
aft er someone spotted a pressure cooker
near a fuel pump in Astoria — but
the device turned out to be full of spaghetti.
According to an NYPD spokesperson,
police received a call regarding a suspicious
package. Th e cops were called to
the scene at about 4:45 p.m., the New
York Post reported.
Th e bomb squad then used a portable
X-ray machine to inspect the contents of
the pressure cooker and only found spaghetti
and marinara sauce.
“Th at’s what what was used in Boston,”
said a spokesperson for the 114th
Precinct, referring to the 2013 Boston
Marathon bombings in which pressure
cookers were turned into improvised
explosive devices. “We take it very seriously.
We’re very cautious.”
Th e street was soon re-opened, and
there were no arrests or injuries, the
spokesperson added.
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