5 ways to choose more pleasure in your life
Life is all about making the most of it,
every single day. Taking chances, fi nding
new opportunities to explore and pursuing
your own unique vision are what
make every day a worthwhile adventure.
Dove(R) Chocolate is a brand that celebrates
women who live boldly and inspire
to choose pleasure.
Here are a few ideas of ways
you can #choosepleasure.
1. Get in touch with your aspirations.
Keep a running list of ideas for things you
know you want to do in life, adding to
it continually, and then brainstorm concrete
steps toward bringing your dreams
to life. Don’t let anything stand in your
way - you can do anything you set your
heart on.
2. Schedule more time for what’s important
to you. Validate your commitment to
doing what you fi nd most satisfying and
fulfi lling by actually putting those things
on your calendar. Being busy with work
and play doesn’t have to mean neglecting
your own cherished goals and desires.
Make the time to pursue the things you
know you want to achieve in life - whether
it’s starting your own business, writing the
book you’ve had in your head or running
a marathon. Whatever it is that makes you
feel great about your life, schedule it!
3. Take steps toward your goals. Follow
what inspires you by taking small steps
toward even the biggest goals in your life.
If you have a career goal, sign up for a
class or workshop in the fi eld to increase
your knowledge and expertise. If volunteer
work is what inspires you, join
a cause or start your own drive to support
what you believe in. If you thrive
on learning something new, take up the
instrument you’ve always wanted to play,
watch online tutorials or enroll in online
learning for that language or subject that
expands your mind and horizons.
4. Treat yourself boldly. Explore all
kinds of new tastes to fi nd treats you
absolutely love, and that bring you joy,
just like the new Dove(R) Chocolate Bars.
Beyond the classic Dark Chocolate and
Milk Chocolate varieties, you can try
exciting new fl avors inspired by the latest
culinary trends, from the innovative
Bourbon Vanilla Dark Chocolate
and Salted Caramel Blonde Chocolate
to the sweet and rich Raspberry Rose
Dark Chocolate and Almond Brittle Milk
Chocolate. Choosing pleasure never tasted
so good.
5. Fill your life with great experiences.
Your life is an adventure, so don’t wait
for it - encourage yourself to make it happen!
Get tickets for that concert you really
want to attend. Visit that beautiful scenic
park with a special friend. Go to that
amazing new restaurant or art gallery
you’ve been hearing so much about. Be
bold and plan that trip to the one place
you’ve always wanted to go.
Now is a great time to recommit to your
own personal goals and aspirations, whatever
they might be. Finding not only your
sense of purpose in life, but increasing
your sense of satisfaction in daily pleasures
makes life so much sweeter. If you
want it, go for it! Choose pleasure by centering
your life around what you most
want and desire.
Courtesy BPT