53 • TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2014 Affordable Housing In Astoria Cove Proposal -CONTINUED FROM PG. 10- FHCCA Eyes ‘Big Decision’ On QueensWay Proposal Unlike High Line Park, which was funded by wealthy Chelsea residents and businesses, QueensWay would fall under the purview of the city-funded Parks Department. “We don’t have the commercial money that went into the High Line to keep it and maintain it,” Valentino argued. “This is going to be primarily a taxpayer issue.” Stuchinski shared Valentino’s concerns over funding: “They didn’t say where the $120 million was coming from. This would have to be maintained by the Parks Department, which has practically no resources.” Security assurances In addition to funding, questions surrounding crime and safety were also at the forefront of the discussion. “The first question I had since day one was about security,” Hennessy said. Capt. Judith Harrison, the 112th Precinct’s commanding officer, said the force would continue to police the proposed park area with the same diligence and attention as in any other area under their jurisdiction. “We would make it fit,” Harrison stated. She went on to explain that the precinct has implemented a Conditions Unit to combat crime and patrol parks overnight. Harrison also assured residents that her team would enforce park laws, such as no trespassing after 9 p.m., and that they would issue summonses or make arrests if needed. The bigger picture Despite these reassurances, many residents still voiced concerns. “The policing that Captain Harrison said could be accomplished would have to go from Rego Park to Ozone Park,” Stuchinski observed, “so it’s not just one precinct.” Hennessy echoed Stuchinski’s concerns: “The 112th Precinct is already short police officers. How are we going to police that area?” The board chairperson went on to weigh the disadvantages of both proposals for the muchdisputed rail line. “A number of people have told me that they don’t want the train going behind their houses,” he explained, citing noise concerns surrounding the proposed reactivation of LIRR rail service. According to Hennessy, other residents have voiced concerns over the QueensWay Park and the possible loss of privacy in yards and homes surrounding the structure. “Our area is the most difficult situation because it’s very close to homes,” Hennessy stated. The attendees at the meeting, as well as the community at large, remain divided over which plan is best for the abandoned rail line. Hennessy posed a question to residents: “Which do you want—a train rushing by your house ... or some people enjoying themselves walking the pathway?” Hennessy predicted that this would be a “big decision” for Community Board 6 and called for a thorough hearing and a “true presentation” from both sides. Supporters and critics of the QueensWay plan agreed on one thing at last Tuesday’s meetingthe need for more in-depth public hearings on the issue. “I think the only thing we can do with this is have City Council Member Karen Koslowitz and someone from QueensWay at a future FHCCA meeting,” Stuchinski advised, “as well as someone like Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder from the Rockaways so we can get a broader idea.” Valentino supported this notion. “We have to ask questions,” she stated. “The point has come where we see to it that they start asking us what we want.” A representative from the QueensWay project was absent from this FHCCA meeting, despite having been invited. Forest Hills resident Elizabeth Mooney focused on the larger ultimate outcome of the situation: “I don’t think that people who want the land to remain untouched will see that goal achieved. This is empty land in New York City, plus it’s a conduit. There’s just not much of that to go around.” The Forest Hills Community and Civic Association will hold its annual holiday party on Tuesday, Dec. 9, at 7:30 p.m. at American Legion Continental Post 1424, located at 107-15 Metropolitan Ave. The group’s next formal meeting is tentatively scheduled for February 2015. -CONTINUED FROM PG. 12- Gangster Pays For R’wood Killings -CONTINUED FROM PG. 3- Mestres—both members of the Latin Kings—were lured to a residence by Cabral and several unidentified associates. Upon entering the house, authorities said, Cabral’s cohorts bound the teenagers with duct tape, then removed their property, which included drugs, cash and jewelry. Reportedly, Marcano and Mestres were then stuffed inside the trunk of a car, then driven to the Ridgewood warehouse where they would meet their fate.A fter the teenagers were brought inside the warehouse, authorities noted, Cabral’s associate—Luis Benitez— fatally shot both Marcano and Mestres in the head. Their bodies were dumped behind the warehouse and discovered by police the next morning. Benitez was arrested along with the Cabral brothers in May 2012 by agents working with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida, based in Tampa, and the FBI’s Tampa Division. The shooter pled guilty to the double homicide on Nov. 7, 2013. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Nicole Boeckmann and Christopher C. Caffarone prosecuted the case against Jason Cabral. 104th Precinct Blotter Steiger. (Beat 3) Manfreds White, at Wyckoff Avenue and George Street, for theft of service, by P.O. Drexler. (Beat 3) Edward Rodriguez, at Wyckoff Avenue and George Street, for theft of service, by P.O. Rodriguez. Nov. 12: (Beat 2) Kevin Medina, at Catalpa Avenue, for criminal obstruction of breathing, by P.O. Pellot. (Beat 14) Michael Giaconne, at Eliot Avenue, for robbery, by P.O. Matat. (Beat 13) Andrew Sanchez, at Starr Street, for assault, by P.O. Scrimenti. (Beat 15) Jason Velasquez, at Greene and Seneca avenues, for burglary, by P.O. Hynes. (Beat 11) Edmund Mason, at 73rd Street and Myrtle Avenue, for criminal possession of a forged instrument, by P.O. Lewsza. (Beat 3) Robert Parker, at Wyckoff and Myrtle avenues, for theft of service, by P.O. Pfeiffer. (Beat 10) Sebastian Rakowski, at Fresh Pond Road, and 60th Avenue, for driving with a suspended license, by P.O. Rimmer. (Beat 3) Terrence Barnwell, at Wyckoff Avenue and George Street, for theft of service, by P.O. Marczak. (Beat 4) Joanne Arevalo, at 64-02 Catalpa Ave., for filing a false report, by P.O. Pineda. Nov. 13: (Beat 5) Cheila Crisostomo, at 62nd Street and 78th Avenue, for driving with a suspended license, by P.O. DiGeorgio. (Beat 5) Michael K. Jackson, at Cooper and Cypress avenues, for driving with a suspended license, by P.O. Shubella. (Beat 10) Felix Leon, at 56th Drive, for criminal trespass, by P.O. Wynter. (Beat 8) Erick Morales, at Grand Avenue, for petit larceny, by P.O. Sullivan. (Beat 13) Alexa Hansen, at Maspeth Avenue, for criminal trespass, by P.O. Marinacci. (Beat 3) Jesus Dennis, at Myrtle and Wyckoff avenues, for grand larceny, by P.O. McGuire. (Beat 14) Edward Blan, at Metropolitan Avenue, for petit larceny, by P.O. Bielicka. Nov. 14: (Beat 15) Renato Vasquez, at Butler and Greene avenues, for driving with a suspended license, by P.O. Zbikowski. (Beat 13) Erick Morales, at Metropolitan and Flushing avenues, for petit larceny, by P.O. Sullivan. (Beat 4) Monika Lupinski, at 77th Avenue, for assault, by Det. Diaquoi. (Beat 5) Thomas Wyler, at Myrtle Avenue, for menacing, by Det. Lundy. (Beat 12) Crystal Mohan, at 68th Avenue and 80th Street, for driving with a suspended license, by P.O. Szpak. (Beat 2) Wedelin Flores, at Seneca Avenue, for criminal possession of a weapon, by P.O. Martinez. Nov. 15: (Beat 3) Ronald Rod, at Wyckoff and Myrtle avenues, for theft of service, by P.O. Lima. (Beat 8) Bryan Zack, at Long Island Expressway and 74th Street, for criminal possession of a weapon, by P.O. Samaroo. (Beat 2) Joseph Alice, at Myrtle and Onderdonk avenues, for DWI, by P.O. Jonas. (Beat 2) Daniel Corbett, at Seneca Avenue, for burglary, by P.O. Glowa. (Beat 3) Jose Aguilera, at Irving Avenue, for criminal contempt, by P.O. Cordoba. (Beat 8) Grzegorz Zebrowski, at Jay Avenue, for aggravated harassment, by Det. DeMarco. Nov. 16: (Beat 3) Elijah Santos, at Wyckoff Avenue and George Street, for theft of service, by P.O. Montero. (Beat 12) Alex Ramirez, at Metropolitan Avenue, for petit larceny, by P.O. Longmaid. (Beat 5) Sewdat Barran, at 79th Avenue, for petit larceny, by P.O. Lewsza. The 104th Precinct, located at 64-02 Catalpa Ave. in Ridgewood, can be reached by phone at 1-718- 386-3004. To report an emergency or a crime in progress, call 911 immediately. Quality of life matters, such as noise or a blocked driveway, should be reported to 311. -CONTINUED FROM PG. 11- “insufficiencies in the proportion of affordable housing units, alternative mass transit option investments, skilled labor commitments and school construction timeline,” Katz said. “We are thrilled our allies in organized labor got a very good deal for union jobs,” said Jaron Benjamin, executive director of the Metropolitan Council on Housing and a member of Real Affordability for All. “But the lack of affordability in this deal is unacceptable to thousands of low-income and moderateincome New Yorkers. De Blasio administration officials are responsible for allowing a bad deal on affordability to happen.” Katz claimed the deal as a victory for those who advocated the affordable levels be increased. “Chief among the changes that I and other stakeholders had sought was an increase in the affordable housing units,” she wrote in a statement. “The developer’s agreement to increase the share to 27 percent from the original 20 percent is a marked improvement that will help us better meet critical needs as well as the Mayor’s mandate for such housing for lower and middle-income New Yorkers in the area.” On this point Benjamin disagreed with Katz as well. “Both the level and depth of affordability should be much higher,” he wrote in a statement. “The Astoria community wanted at least 35 percent affordability, and this deal at 27 percent fails to meet that standard.” The developer has reportedly promised $5 million to increase waterfront access for the community and to build a ferry dock. “I'd like to express my gratitude to Community Board 1 and especially to Councilmember Costa Constantinides for his leadership, stewardship and tenacity with the negotiations and ensuring real community benefits to our constituents,” Katz added. “I am proud to support the Land Use Committee’s approval of the Astoria Cove project’s rezoning application, as amended.” Housing advocates have called the agreement “Bloombergian,” in its scope of affordability, and blamed Mayor Bill de Blasio, staffers for the project deal. “In this negotiation over Astoria Cove, the de Blasio administration created a political dynamic far more favorable to the developer than to Astoria residents and to Council Members who are fighting for real affordability,” Benjamin added. “We urge the City Council to continue to push for real affordability in the very final framework for Astoria Cove and in all future development projects across the city.” YYOOUURR CCHHIILLDD TTOODDAAYY?? 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