TURNING TO TROUBLE looking at the history of crashes there, we found that 50 percent of vehicle to pedestrian crashes were the result of left hand turns.” P.O. Rich Zapata, 112th Precinct traffic safety officer, agreed with Hall: “As of 2009, this intersection has been the number one problematic collision prone location within the precinct confines.” According to Zapata, officers from the 112th Precinct conducted an on-site visit with DOT engineers back in June 2013. They studied and observed traffic conditions firsthand, as well as analyzed collision data. “Twenty percent of vehicle to vehicle crashes and injuries at this location were also due to left turns,” Hall stated, “That’s almost three times the rate of left turn crashes for all of Queens.” According to Hall, the shape of the roadway may be partly to blame. “It’s an oddly shaped intersection,” she stated. Hall explained that the DOT has successfully reduced accidents at similar intersections along Queens Boulevard. In 2004, the DOT implemented a ban on westbound left turns onto Queens 3 • TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2014 Board 6 Scrutinizes F.H. Traffic Changes by Kelly Marie Mancuso Newly implemented traffic regulations around Forest Hills was the focus of Community Board 6’s meeting last Wednesday, Nov. 12, at the Kew Gardens Community Center. Residents were given the opportunity to address both board members and Department of Transportation (DOT) officials with regard to the controversial ban on left turns from Yellowstone Boulevard onto westbound Queens Boulevard in Forest Hills. Board 6 Chairperson Joseph Hennessy underscored the importance of the session: “Even though, realistically, it’s happening right now, we still have to be given the opportunity to voice our opinion. So, we will listen to both sides tonight.” DOT Queens Borough Commissioner Dalila Hall and her staff were on hand to listen and respond to questions posed by residents and the community board itself. “The changes that we made at Queens Boulevard and Yellowstone are the result of concerns that have been raised to us over time from many sectors of the community,” stated Hall. She cited ongoing safety issues at the intersection as the primary motivation for the change. “We heard from the local 112th Precinct that this was one of their top accident-prone locations,” Hall explained. “After -SEE BOARD 6 ON PG. 27- Making The Grade In Glendale Assemblyman Mike Miller took the opportunity to recognize the accomplishments of the outstanding students within his district, and presented Student of the Month certificates to the Students of St. Pancras School in Glendale on Wednesday, Nov. 12. He is pictured with the students of the month for September: Rosalia Bonanno; Giana Cornier; Olivia Cox; Hailey Cruz; Andy Kasza; Evangeline Kotarski; Eric Ochman; Maria Piazza; Johnny Robinson; and Victoria Ross. Gang Leader Pays For Slaying Rivals Had Them Killed In Ridgewood by Robert Pozarycki A street gang boss who orchestrated the robbery and murder of two rivals in Ridgewood a decade ago was ordered on Tuesday, Nov. 18, to serve 37 years in federal prison, prosecutors announced. Jason Cabral, 37, of Riverview, Fla. and his brother— Alvaro Cabral, 28, of Apollo Beach, Fla.—pled guilty in February to ordering the murder of Anthony Marcano and Fabian Mestres, both 17, in August 2004 at a warehouse in the vicinity of Seneca and Flushing avenues. Federal agents picked up the Cabral brothers—both of whom are part of the Ñetas gang—in May 2012 following an extensive investigation. “For eight years, Jason Cabral thought he had outsmarted law enforcement and gotten away with murder,” Attorney Generaldesignate Loretta E. Lynch, currently the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, said in a statement on Tuesday. “From one slender lead, and with the tenacity of the FBI and NYPD, these horrific murders were solved and the killers brought to justice. We hope today’s proceedings bring some measure of relief to the victims’ families.” According to federal law enforcement sources, the events leading up to the Aug. 10, 2004 homicide began in Brentwood, L.I., where Marcano and -SEE SLAY ON PG. 53- Here’s A Glimpse Of What’s In This Week’s Times Newsweekly... LOCAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS GGLLEENNDDAALLEE//MMIIDDDDLLEE VVIILLLLAAGGEE:: SShheelltteerr CCooaalliittiioonn FFiilleess SSuuiitt..........Pg. 1 EELLMMHHUURRSSTT:: RReessiiddeennttss OOppppoossee PPeerrmmaanneenntt PPaann AAmm SShheelltteerr.........Pg. 1 MIDDLE VILLAGE: Board 5 Eyes Plan For R’wood Convent........Pg. 1 KKEEWW GGAARRDDEENNSS:: BBooaarrdd 66 QQuueessttiioonnss FF..HH.. TTrraaffffiicc CChhaannggeess.........Pg. 3 RIDGEWOOD: Gang Leader Sentenced For Murders..............Pg. 3 GLENDALE: St. Pancras Honors Top Students..................Photo, Pg. 3 WWOOOODDHHAAVVEENN:: RReessiiddeennttss IIrraattee OOvveerr MMeemmoorriiaall WWrreeaatthh TThheefftt....Pg. 6 OZONE PARK: Armed Crooks Visit Another Travel Agency......Pg. 6 CORONA: 110th Precinct Boss Touts Drag Racing Bust..............Pg. 8 GLENDALE: Bust Man For Beating Wife, Running From Cops....Pg. 8 GGLLEENNDDAALLEE:: BBllaazzee SSccoorrcchheess MMyyrrttllee AAvvee.. AAppaarrttmmeenntt........Photo, Pg. 8 WOODHAVEN: Residents Offer Ideas For Budget Plan...........Pg. 10 ASTORIA: Affordable Housing In Approved ‘Cove’ Deal........Pg. 10 OOZZOONNEE PPAARRKK:: 110066tthh PPrreecciinncctt HHoonnoorrss DDeetteeccttiivvee............Photo, Pg. 10 MASPETH/WOODSIDE: Long-Anticipated Sewer Improvement Project Gets Underway Today...........................................Pg. 11 FFOORREESSTT HHIILLLLSS:: CCiivviicc EEyyeess ‘‘BBiigg DDeecciissiioonn’’ OOnn QQuueeeennssWWaayy..........Pg. 12 LONG ISLAND CITY: Partnership Hosts Luncheon............Photo, Pg. 12 GLENDALE/FOREST HILLS: Knights’ Noble Food Drive....Photo, Pg. 18 GGLLEENNDDAALLEE:: CChhuurrcchheess OOppeenn DDoooorrss TToo FFoooodd PPaannttrryy.....................Pg. 19 WOODSIDE: Cub Scout Pack At Veterans Day March.....Photo, Pg. 19 RIDGEWOOD: Cardella Senior Center Honors Vets........Photo, Pg. 19 CYPRESS HILLS: Boy Scouts Earn Higher Honors.............Photo, Pg. 25 MIDDLE VILLAGE: CK Students Excel In Theatre..............Photo, Pg. 25 REGIONAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS City Council Passes Bill Targeting Unlawful Collection Bins............Pg. 6 MMTTAA LLooookkss TToo RRaaiissee FFaarreess AAnndd TToollllss BBeeggiinnnniinngg NNeexxtt YYeeaarr.............Pg. 10 ‘‘HHaarrddhhaattss’’ HHoonnoorr CCiittyy CCoouunncciill MMeemmbbeerr FFoorr SSeerrvviiccee..........Photo, Pg. 11 VVeetteerraannss TToo RReecceeiivvee BBiiggggeerr PPrrooppeerrttyy TTaaxx EExxeemmppttiioonnss..................Pg. 17 Independent Budget Office Examines Homeless Crisis.................Pg. 17 Queens Borough President Salutes The Troops.................Photo, Pg. 17 State Health Care Exchange Reopens For Applications...............Pg. 19 Let Scary Story Contest Winners Scare The Yell Out Of You!........Pg. 22 COLUMNS & LISTINGS Ben Carson......................Pg. 4 104th Precinct Blotter.....Pg. 11 Transit & Traffic News.....Pg. 18 It’s In Queens!...............Pg. 20 Community Calendar.....Pg. 20 Crossword & Sudoku......Pg. 20 TV Listings.....................Pg. 21 The Old Timer................Pg. 23 Social Security News.....Pg. 25 Sports...........................Pg. 58 SUBSCRIBE TO THE TIMES NEWSWEEKLY! 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