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Persons arrested in recent police actions as reported by the 104th Precinct included the following individuals: Nov. 10: (Beat 5) Dennis Truberg, at Myrtle Avenue, for graffiti, by P.O. Gonzalez. (Beat 16) Cesar Aparacio, at Cooper Avenue and Woodhaven Boulevard, for driving with a suspended license, by P.O. Ricottone. (Beat 10) Katarryna Bodych, at 56th Avenue, for assault, by P.O. Aragona. (Beat 3) Wilson Maldonado, at Wyckoff Avenue and George Street, for theft of service, by P.O. Kaufman. (Beat 10) Cezary Znujdzyin, at 56th Avenue, for assault, by P.O. Aragona. (Beat 3) Hand Gottheim, at Wyckoff and Myrtle avenues, for theft of service, by P.O. Salas. (Beat 15) Jose Lebon, at Woodward Avenue, for menacing, by P.O. Caruso. (Beat 4) Saher Erian, at 71st Avenue, for menacing, by P.O. Singh. (Beat 5) William Vantassell, at Cooper Avenue and 67th Place, for criminal impersonation, by Det. Williams. (Beat 4) Steven Demaria, at Fresh Pond Road, for criminal mischief, by P.O. Campos. Nov. 11: (Beat 10) Grzegorz Rapola, at 60th Road and 60th Street, for driving while ability impaired, by P.O. Horn. (beat 5) George Siguenza, at 67th Street, for resisting arrest, by P.O. Prizeman. (Beat 13) Kermit Rivera, at Hart Street, for menacing, by P.O. Eastman. (Beat 2) Patrick Banach, at Palmetto Street and Cypress Avenue, for driving with a suspended license, by P.O. Zuno. (Beat 14) Louis Pittelli, at Long Island Expressway and 74th Street, for criminal trespass, by P.O. Marinacci. (Beat 14) Christopher Ruiz, at Long Island Expressway and 75th Street, for graffiti, by Det. Wright. (Beat 14) Nakul Patel, at Long Island Expressway and 75th Street, for criminal trespass, by Det. Wright. (Beat 10) Shirley Jaramillo, at Metropolitan Avenue, for petit larceny, by P.O. 11 • TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2014 104th Pct. Blotter -SEE 104 BLOTTER ON PG. 53- Maspeth & Woodside Big Dig Starts Border Sewer Project Aims To Stop Flood Woes by Robert Pozarycki Work is finally scheduled to begin today, Nov. 20, on a multi-million $25 million sewer upgrade in Maspeth and Woodside regarded as a remedy to local flooding problems in surrounding neighborhoods. Complications in relocating underground utility lines reportedly forced the city Department of Design and Construction (DDC) to delay the project replacing sewer and water lines below Calamus Avenue between 69th and 74th streets and 69th Street between Calamus Avenue and Queens Boulevard. The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) announced back in March that the project’s start date was imminent. With both streets prepared for work, the DDC will begin its work along segments of Calamus Avenue, resulting in a daytime disruption of water service for residents living along the roadway between 72nd and 79th streets. Water service was also interrupted on 74th Street between 51st and 52nd roads. Crews are installing an 85- inch barrel sewer line under Calamus Avenue to support an existing 96-inch circular line already there. They will also put in an 85-inch barrel line to work with two similar circular lines in place below 69th Street. These pipes aim to expand capacity in the local sewer network, which feeds sewage and rainwater to the Newtown Creek Water Treatment Plant and other water processing facilities in the -SEE CALAMUS ON PG. 54- Hardhats Honor Local Council Member City Council Member Eric Ulrich received the Freedom Award from New York City Helmets to Hardhats at their second annual luncheon on Friday, Nov. 14. The Freedom Award is the highest honor given by the organization and is specifically awarded to individuals who show exemplary service to city veterans. Since he was appointed Chair of the City Council Veterans Committee in January, Ulrich has held hearings and introduced legislation addressing important veterans’ issues relating to employment, mental health and homelessness. Ulrich also helped secure an unprecedented $400,000 allocation in this year’s budget to support veterans services throughout the city. NYC Helmets to Hardhats assists transitioning service members with job placement in the city’s construction industry. The organization works with 15 trade organizations citywide representing approximately 100,000 working men and women. Ulrich was joined by New York City Helmets to Hardhats Chairman and Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater NY President Gary LaBarbera; New York City Central Labor Council President Vincent Alvarez; Building Trades Employers Association President & CEO Lou Coletti; and affiliates of the building trades and union locals. VVIILLLLAAGGEE CCAASSHH FFOORR GGOOLLDD IMMEDIATE CASH! 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