19 • TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 2014 PREP NOW FOR COAST STORMS City Warns At Peak Of Hurricane Season de Blasio. “Being prepared for a hurricane or any emergency is the best way to keep you and your family safe,” said Esposito. “Make an emergency plan with your family, and have a Go Bag packed with essentials you may need in the event that you have to leave your house in advance of a storm.” “The New York City Housing Authority is committed to planning -SEE HURRICANE ON PG. 56- Airport Workers Will Get Pay Raises To Increase Well Above The Minimum Wage increasing the pay of thousands of hard-working airport employees, we are rewarding them for job performance, creating a more stable workforce and ultimately ensuring a better experience for all. I commend 32BJ for their dedication to the needs of all of their workers, as well as the New York Daily News for their coverage and tireless advocacy on this issue.” Port Authority Executive Director Mayor Bill de Blasio and Office of Emergency Management (OEM) Commissioner Joseph Esposito encouraged New Yorkers to take steps to ensure they are prepared, as the city heads into peak hurricane season (August through October). “New York City is most vulnerable to hurricanes from August through October. It’s time to start thinking about your emergency plan. We saw during Hurricane Sandy just how disruptive a major storm can be to this city. Almost three million New Yorkers live in a hurricane evacuation zone, so it’s imperative that people prepare and make a plan for what you will do if you are ordered to evacuate your home,” said Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced the commencement of a new minimum wage policy at LaGuardia Airport and John F. Kennedy International Airport that will benefit thousands of critical airport workers. As of July 31, contractor and subcontractor airport workers making $9.00 an hour or less received an immediate $1 an hour increase and all workers will get a raise to $10.10 an hour on Feb. 1, 2015 if they are making less than that. Starting in 2016, the wage level will increase each year by the annual percentage increase of the Consumer Price Index. “Nearly 50 million visitors to New York depend on the airport workers at JFK and LaGuardia, and their wages should be reflective of this responsibility,” Cuomo said. “By -SEE WAGES ON PG. 55- R’wood Pastor At Assembly Assemblywoman Catherine Nolan was recently able to arrange for Rev. Thomas Goodhart, pastor of of Trinity Reformed Church in Ridgewood, to conduct the opening prayer to the legislative session. Nolan is pictured with Assemblyman Daniel O’Donnell and Goodhart. Do you have diabetes? 20% of diabetics will develop a foot ulcer in their lifetime. Have you had your feet checked lately ©Times Newsweekly - 20147 - DR1.DEL8LAC-N6 E3 W9 --F3 E3 E3 T8 DDEENNTTAALL CCAARREE FFOORR TTHHEE EENNTTIRREE FFAAMMILLYY Santa LoCascio, D.D.S., P.C. PRROOVVIDDINNGG PRROOFFESSIOONNAALL && PERRSOONNAALLIZEDD CCAARRE 70-16 FRESH POND RD., RIDGEWOOD, N.Y. ©Times Newsweekly - 2014 - DR.LOCASCIO/A 1-718-628-6588 Our Complete Dental Cleaning (Includes X-ray, Exam & Cleaning) Any Filling, Extraction or Emergency Visit $99 $99 We also accept most insurances Like Us On Facebook RIDGEWOOD HAIR STYLISTS 57-01 Catalpa Ave. (Cor. Seneca Ave.) 1 - 7 1 8 - 8 2 1 - 9 5 8 1 W E A L S O D O M A K E - U P • U P - D O s W A X I N G • W E D D I N G PA R T I E S ! SENIOR CITIZENS WEDNESDAY - 15% OFF ©Times Newsweekly – 2014– R'WOOD^HAIR Wednesday COLOR, CUT& BLOWDRY Only $$44550000 SShhoorr tt HHaairr OOnnlyy. Wednesday $15 Haircut - Short Hair Only With This Ad Only, Expires August 14, 2014 Closed Monday, Tuesday and Thursday Gift Certificates Available CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT • WALK-INS WELCOME
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