Contaminated soil to be removed from Ridgewood warehouse
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2. Beginning 4/19/2018, open an IRA 13-month CD with new money. A minimum balance of at least $5,500.00 New Money is required to receive an APY of 2.10%. New Money is defined as money not on deposit at Investors
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Institution accounts are excluded from these offers. This offer may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Rates are current as of 04/18/2018.
An environmental cleanup is set
to begin at a Ridgewood building
with contaminated soil that
served as a local tuxedo warehouse for
nearly 25 years.
The New York State Department of
Environmental Conservation (DEC)
recently designated the site at 1846 Decatur
St. as a brownfi eld site through
its Brownfi eld Cleanup Program, an
effort to encourage the voluntary
cleanup of contaminated locations so
they can be reused and redeveloped.
DEC records show that the cleanup,
performed by BMHQ Realty LLC, begins
in May and is scheduled to last for
about 16 weeks.
According to the DEC website, a
brownfi eld site is defi ned as any property
where a contaminant is present
at levels exceeding the soil cleanup
objectives or other health-based or
environmental standards. In the case
of the Decatur Street property, investigators
found tetrachloroethene
(PERC) in surface soil, shallow soil and
groundwater at elevated levels.
A manufactured chemical that is
widely used in the dry-cleaning of
fabrics, PERC has been shown to cause
reduced scores on neurobehavioral or
color vision tests, increased levels of
biochemical indicators of liver or kidney
damage, reduced red blood cells,
blood and immune system eff ects, as
well as reproductive eff ects and cancer
in some cases, according to the state
Department of Health. The majority
of PERC exposure cases happen when
people inhale its vapors in the air.
At the Decatur Street building,
where the tuxedo warehouse operated
from 1991 to 2015, investigators found
PERC mostly near the former dry
cleaning equipment room in the northern
corner of the site, DEC documents
show. During the cleanup, approximately
20 cubic yards of contaminated
soil and concrete will be removed,
contaminated groundwater will be
treated and clean fi ll will be added to
the site.
Although the data from the investigation
suggests that no groundwater off
site has been contaminated, the report
states that additional investigation is
needed to determine if PERC vapors
have intruded the soil at any neighboring
sites. The warehouse is attached to a
multi-family building to the north and a
two-family building to the south.
A spokesperson for the DEC told the
Ridgewood Times that the agency will
seek access agreements with neighboring
property owners to perform
an investigation to determine if any
additional mitigation is necessary, and
that investigation will be paid for by
the state.
When asked about how the agency
would remove contamination from
a building with tenants, the spokesperson
added, “These procedures are
generally the same for residential or
commercial properties.”
Since the area is served by the public
water supply that is not contaminated
by the site, the DEC report noted that
people are not drinking the contaminated
groundwater. PERC vapors held
in the soil, however, have the potential
to move into buildings and aff ect the
indoor air quality, the report said.
According to city records, the warehouse
sold for $1.7 million in 2015, but
no applications for future development
have been fi led yet through the
Department of Buildings.
Photo via Google Maps
The warehouse at 18-46 Decatur St., where a brownfi eld cleanup is set
to begin in May.