

32 TIMES • APRIL 21, 2016 FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 96-10 101st Avenue Ozone Park NY 11416 4 FAMILY BRICK CORNER WITH 2 STORES GREAT LOCATION. 3 BEDROOMS APARTMENTS/ BOX ROOMS MUST SEE! ASKING HIGH $2,000,000 STORES STORES BUS.FOR SALE STORE FOR RENT RIDGEWOOD Queens Fresh Pond Road 1,100 sq. ft. Ideal for any type of food business Vented, high visibility ½ block to all public transportation. Call manager 718-821-3993 NO FEE AUTO REPAIR BUSNIESS FOR SALE With Inspection License RIDGEWOOD/GLENDALE Border. In Business For 36 Years. Inquiries Only. Call 516-351-5161 GARAGES COMMERCIAL PROPERTY GARAGES MIDDLE VILLAGE Outdoor parking, safe & secure Metro. Ave. nr. 62nd St. Call days Angelo 718-366-3460 24 HR. PARKING AVAILABLE For Cars, Commercial Vans & Trucks. 24 Hr. Security. Call John 718-418-5387 or 1-866-976-5387 UPPER GLENDALE Garage For Rent, 1 car garage vicinity of Metro. & Woodhaven. $250 month. Call leave message 646-401-4694 APARTMENTS RIDGEWOOD 3 rms., FPRD........$1,250 6 rms., newly renovated FPRD..................$2,200 5 rms., 1st flr., 6 family. $1,625 5 rms., 6 fam., near Forest..............$ 1,500 4 rms., 4 fam..$1,800 GLENDALE 3 rms., 2 fam......$1,500 COMMERCIAL SPACE 6 fam., bsmt/space, near FPRD....................$800. KRISCH REALTY REAL ESTATE 66-51 Fresh Pond Road 718-386-4680 718-381-3800 APARTMENTS APARTMENTS Maspeth Condo 1 bedrm, low com charges, terrace, washer/dryer in apt, nice size $278K Rego Park 1 fam 3 bedrm brick, oak flrs, gar, yd, walk to PS174 $668K Glendale 2 fam brick, 6/5, fin bsmt w/full bth, 55ft long, vac at closing $788K Glendale Semi-det 4 fam brick, 75ft. long, no leases, great investment $998K Middle Village N 1 fam, 3 bedrm, 20ft brick, fin bsmt w/full bth, 2 car gar, oak flrs, PS49 $698K REAL ESTATE SERVICES JERRY FINK REAL ESTATE BEST REAL ESTATE AGENCY 2.5% LISTING SPECIAL CALL for details OFFICE # 718-766-9175 CELL # 917-774-6121 EMAIL [email protected] for all the news 24 hours, 7 days a week go to GLENDALE RIDGEWOOD Bsemt Storage, approx. 800 sq. ft. $800. Excellent Office Space-light mfging. 1500/1700 sq. ft $1500-$2000. Respectfully handicapped accessible WANTED REAL ACTIVE PARTIES 7000-15000 Lofting building KRISH REAL ESTATE 718-386-4680 718-381-3800 YOUR AD SHOULD BE HERE! 718-821-7500 718-456-1018 66-08 Fresh Pond Rd., Ridgewood, NY 11385 Woodhaven-GORGEOUS 2 Bedroom, boxed 1/2 block from Forest Park, wood floors, large closets and LAUNDRY ROOM! $1900 Bushwick-4 bedrooms, boxed, all new, small pets ok! $2500 Call/Text Irene for more info on these apartments and many others. 646-546-1341 JB & Associates Real Estate Thinking about selling your home? Call us for a FREE market analysis! PHILLIPS DAVE PASTORINI 718-757-5881 LOUIS PASTORINI 718-757-5877 BETTER LIFESTYLES ARMCRES REALTY, INC 61-06 MYRTLE AVENUE GLENDALE, NY 11385 *SERVICES* Specialists In: •Property Management •Foreclosure Mgt. Consultants •Mini-Management Program •Certified Documents Obtained •Sales-Rentals-Leasing-Investment •Residential & Commercial Property •Multiple Listing Services •Landlord & Tenant Matters •DHCR & Rental Controls •Rehabilitation •Tax Abatement-8A Loans & J51 •Rental History Workout,etc. ATTENTION LANDLORDS: HOUSES WANTED and APARTMENTS NEEDED (718) 417-0100/417-0300 FAX (718) 456-6082 E-MAIL: [email protected] Our knowledgeable staff can assist you in all phases of today’s complex real estate market for all areas. Call Milady For Showing 917-686-4595 6 rooms, 3 bed, DUPLEX, use of yard, w/d incl, all Util. incl. steps to M train $2500 6 box rms, 3 bed, 2nd floor, 2 bathrooms, near shopping $2000 3 rms, 1 bed, 2nd floor, near shopping $1300 4 rms, 2 bed, 1st flr, use of yard, small pet ok, near transportation $1850 5 room, 2 bed, 1st floor, storage included, steps to M train $1800 REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON WANTED

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