24 times • APRIL 21, 2016 FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT www.qns.com obituaries Serving All Cemeteries In The Tri-State Area Finest Quality Monuments EXPERT CEMETERY LETTERING WITHOUT REMOVING THE MONUMENT OR DISTRUBING THE GRAVE No Obligation - Free Estimates 40 Years of Experience Jim Stagnitta P: 718-628-9671 F: 718-628-9685 • email: [email protected] We really do care Families have been relying on us for the last 40 years Hess-Miller Funeral Home • Pre-Arrangement And Pre-Funded Funerals Available • Convenient To All Major Highways And Public Transportation ANTHONY J. MARTINO, Lic. Mgr. DAVID L. MARTINO, Director Owned By Martino F.H., Inc. Since 1982 1-718-821-6660 or 1-800-479-6419 Serving Ridgewood, Maspeth, Middle Village & Glendale ~With~ • Affordable Cremations And Burials • Parking Facilities • Handicapped Facilities 64-19 Metropolitan Ave., Middle Village, N.Y. www.hessmillerfuneralhome.com Lighthouse Assembly of God 71-29 68th Place (bet. Myrtle Ave. & Central Ave.) Glendale, N.Y. 11385 1-718-456-1203 Rev. Deo Geer, Pastor Sunday School for all ages 9:45 am Morning Worship (& Children Church) 11:00 am Sunday Evening Service 6:00 pm Friday-Prayer, Bible Study And Youth Meeting-7:30 pm (Preaching ALL The Gospel To ALL The Family) Helping children to deal with grief Its’ like sharing memories across the miles. When the family can’t all be together You can share a Book of MemoriesTM, An online memorial that the entire family can view at any time. Just because the funeral is over, doesn’t mean our service stops. Book of MemoriesTM\ Condolences, services details, donation & more. Michaels Funeral Home Inc. 79-22 Metropolitan Avenue Middle Village, NY 11379 1-718-894-5500 www.michaelsfuneralhome.com Papavero Funeral Home n Newly Renovated Facilities On One Level n Handicapped Accessible—Ample Parking n Cremation And Direct Burial Service n Guidance With Pre-Planned Funeral Arrangements n 24 Hour-A-Day Personal Service n Resource Center With Information On Coping With Grief And Explaining Death To Children Family Owned And Operated For 4 Generations 72-27 Grand Avenue Maspeth, N.Y. 11378 1-718-651-3535 By Rana Huber We sympathize when we see someone experiencing grief caused by the death of a loved one, but there is something especially poignant about a child who grieves over the loss of a parent, grandparent, sibling, or even a beloved pet. When children experience the death of a loved one, they grieve just as adults do, but they may not be able to verbalize their sorrow. To compound this, many adults may not feel comfortable dealing with children’s sadness, especially when grieving themselves. They don’t know how to start the conversation, they don’t know what to say, and, especially, they are fearful of saying the wrong things. So what can you do? There are many wonderful books that can help. For example, in Helping Children Grieve, Theresa Huntley includes some basic suggestions excerpted here that will help adults who want to console a grieving child: Be aware of personal feelings. When we are in touch with our own feelings (sadness, loss, regret), we will be better able to help bereaved children deal with theirs. Recognize that each child’s level of understanding is different. Provide the children with information and responses appropriate for their age level. Recognize that each child will grieve differently. Encourage questions. Encourage the expression of feelings. Let children know that it is okay to show their emotions. Encourage participation in events following the death. Tell the children about the events that will be taking place (i.e., wake, funeral, burial). Give the children permission to choose the extent of their participation. Help a child to commemorate the life of the deceased. Try to maintain a sense of normalcy. To restore some semblance of security, try to follow the children’s normal routine as closely as possible. Also, the popular television show Sesame Street has many wonderful resources to help connect with a child who is mourning. Visit their website for details: www.sesamestreet.org/parents/ topicsandactivities/topics/grief. Children generally grieve in different ways than adults. As family and caregivers, we can recognize this and guide them with love through a difficult time. Ask your family funeral director for names of local bereavement counselors who can help.
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