CON ED GIVES RATE JOLT Plans Percentage Increase For Customers; Pols Say It’s Not Needed understand why Con Edison is choosing now to raise electricity rates. The overwhelming majority of New Yorkers have still not recovered from the Great Recession, and any rate increase is going to unfairly impact low and fixed-income New Yorkers.” Con Edison President Craig Ivey provided several reasons for the proposed rate increase: “This plan will adequately fund investment for the enhanced security, reliability and resiliency of the electric delivery system.” “It also is designed to support better service through an improved website with greater mobile functionality and an expanded menu of self-service transactions, increasing accessibility for customers,” he added. “We want to implement new programs and technologies while mitigating the impact on customer bills.” One of the new plans Ivey cites is the implementation of a new work management system in electronic operations this is expected to reduce overall costs by $45 million a year. The system would improve crew efficiency on customer and system projects, process work orders electronically and facilitate the dispatch and coordination of crew 7 • TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 by Anthony Giudice Con Edison announced on Friday, Jan. 30, that it would seek to increase customer rates beginning in January 2016. The utility company serving New York City and Westchester County cited in its request with the state Public Service Commission the higher rates will help support system reliability, storm hardening, better technology and online service enhancements. The plan seeks a revenue increase of $368 million, which will result in an average bill hike of 3.2 percent for customers throughout New York and Westchester. A typical bill for a New York City resident using 300 kilowatthours (kWh) per month would rise from $82.06 to $85.94, an increase of 4.7 percent, according to Con Edison. A typical commercial customer using 10,800 kWh per month, with a peak demand of 30 kW, would see a rise from $2,173.08 to $2,236.71, a 2.9 percent increase, Con Edison said. This would be the company’s first rate increase since April 1, 2012, and local elected officials do not understand why another rate hike is needed. “The last thing New Yorkers need right now is more of their paycheck going to Con Edison every month,” State Sen. Michael Gianaris said in a statement. “The cost of living in our city is rising and it’s disappointing that ConEd wants to make it harder for people to keep the lights on. I hope ConEd will listen to the voices of everyday New Yorkers and rethink its proposal.” Public Advocate Letitia James echoed the senator’s sentiments: “Given the recent decline in oil and natural gas prices it is hard to -SEE RATES ON PG. 21- RIDGEWOOD HAIR STYLISTS 57-01 Catalpa Ave. (Cor. Seneca Ave.) 1 - 7 1 8 - 8 2 1 - 9 5 8 1 RIDGEWOOD HAIR STYLISTS WILL BE OPEN WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY SSHHOORRTT HHAAIIRR CCUUTTSS $$1155 -- WWEEDDNNEESSDDAAYY AANNDD TTHHUURRSSDDAAYY Free deep conditioner treatment with this ad CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT • WALK-INS WELCOME RIDGEWOOD OFFICE PRODUCTS CENTER Celebrating Our 70th Anniversary (1945-2015) FULL LINE OF ART SUPPLIES IN STOCK DISCOUNTED OFFICE FURNITURE 6600--6688 MMeettrrooppoolliittaann AAvvee..,, RRiiddggeewwoooodd,, NNYY •• 771188--882211--11111111 WWEEBB: wwwwww.ppnnaaaauuttoosppoorr tt.ccoomm BLOWOUT SALE! GGIIFFTT CCEERRTTIIFFIICCAATTEESS AAVVAAIILLAABBLLEE •Car Stereos •Car Alarms • Car Accessories •Car Rims •Mobile Video •DVD Players •Professional Tinting •Navigation Systems •Cellular Phones • Beepers Car Electronic Installation Center Bring all your own auto electronics and we will install them for you. Pioneer AVH-5000 NEX $749.99 •Navigation Receiver With 6.1” LCD •Touch Screen Monitor •Built-In Bluetooth •iPod / iPhone Control •Am/Fm + Internet + Sirius XM Radio •Disc / Micro SD / USB Player (With This Ad) (With This Ad) (With This Ad) (With This Ad) (With This Ad) (With This Ad) (With This Ad) (With This Ad) DEH-150MP CD Receiver AM/FM - CD - iPod - WMA & MP3 Ready Lay-A-Way Available ©Times Newsweekly - 2014 - P&A $24999 $9999 AVH-X4700BT $$114499..9999 AVITAL 5303 ©Times Newsweekly - 2015- “YOUR ONE-STOP SHOP FOR ALL YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS” •Space Planning •Interior Design & Layout •Safes/Shredders •Printing / Copies/ Fax Service •Blumberg Legal Forms/Leases •Wedding Invitations/ Foreign Languages ©Times Newsweekly 2015 – R'WOOD OFF. SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT WEDNESDAYS 67-16 FRESH POND ROAD (Near M Station) 1-718-386-3266
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