We Salute You All!
Fred Chernow and NST General Manager Glen Kotowski
is rather emotional for me, but I am proud to be
here and of the service I gave,” he said. “We were
all ready and waiting for the call the day after Pearl
Harbor and every one of my friends volunteered.”
Fred introduced Terry Feit, an active member of
NST’s Camera Club, who talked about the iconic
photo taken in Times Square on August 14, 1945
after Japan had surrendered—you know the one
of the couple kissing in middle of the street? Terry
revealed that they didn’t even know each other and
their identities remained a mystery for 35 years
since the photographer, Alfred Eisenstaedt, didn’t
get their names (Life Magazine finally tracked
them down and they were later ID’d as George
Mendonsa, a sailor on leave, and Greta Zimmer
Friedman, a dental assistant).
Following the playing of Taps and a short video
of the Andrews Sisters singing “Boogie Woogie
Bugle Boy,” Fred turned the finale over to Russell
and Mike, who got the audience on their feet with
“Tie a Yellow Ribbon” and a selection of songs
from the ‘70s.
Fred later said, “My thanks to John Virga and
Marty Ragusa, whose technical skills enhanced
this program. And none of this would have been
possible were it not for Glen Kotowski and his
management team.”
So whether this was the 17th or 18th Annual
NST Salute to Veterans is really immaterial. What’s
most important is that the tradition carries on.
As Fred put it, “President Roosevelt said that the
greatest casualty of war to those who served is
being forgotten. This will never happen at NST.”
A moving rendition of Taps
Photo by Linda Rappaport
Singer Mike Jones entertains the
Photo by Linda Rappaport
Singer Russell Targove was happy to be back at NST! Veterans shared their stories