A New Kind of
Old-Fashioned Democrat
Bringing Queens Values
to Congress
Won commitments from the
FAA to address air traffi c noise
Opened a Queens District Offi ce
to Help Local Families
Prioritized support for our
veterans and advocated for legislation
to provide mental health services
for all veterans
Held monthly town hall meetings
across the district to hear from
constituents and to discuss what’s
going on in Washington
Serves on House Armed Services
and Foreign Affairs Committees
Endorsed by Queens Borough
President Mel inda Kat z
October ¢COURIER TOWERS Town Hall – Wednesday, October 17th, 7pm
Clearview Senior Center, 208-11 26th Ave, Bay Terrace, NY
SHORE Tom.Suozzi @Tom_Suozzi info@suozziforcongress.com SuozziForCongress.com Paid f or by Suozzi for Congress
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