Men’s Golf Member - Guest Tournaments
We are the
We can’t talk about golf
without mentioning the
annual Championship Golf
Tournament, which is North
Shore Towers’ premiere golf
event of the year. Held on
Sunday, August 18, it’s time
to tip our golf caps to the 2019
A Flight
Winner: Diane Keller
Runner up: Janet Breden
B Flight
Winner: Marlene Zucker
Runner Up: Kathy Bitetti
Winner: Tim Pritchard
Runner Up: Bryan Berman
A Flight: Howard Marcus
Runner Up: Ed Camelleri
B Flight: Rich Aberle
Runner Up: Ed Manowitz
Observers watch their competition closely
Just puttering around
“Uh oh, that looked like a pretty good shot.”
Gentlemen, Start Your Golf Carts
Photos by Jill Davis
The Men’s annual Member –
Guest Tournament teed off the following
week on Thursday, August
15, with an impressive 110 players
participating. Following an early
breakfast and a round of golf, the
men stayed on the course to enjoy
passed hors d’oeuvres and a tableful
of top-shelf beverages (which could
come in handy if you had a bad
game that day).
Contests included Closest to the
Pin and the super-challenging Long
Drive. The Longest Drive contest
was broken out by age group, but
players were given only two shots
each to prove their mettle.
Adding to the drama was the
weather situation. While it was
bright and sunny and not devastatingly
hot, NST Golf Pro Bob
Guido commented, “We have
tough conditions out here. The
headwinds are about 32 miles an
hour, plus this hole has an uphill
lie.” The wind eventually died down
toward the end of the contest,
giving later players an advantage.
Nevertheless, most had to deal with
relatively unforgiving conditions,
making their strong performances
that much sweeter!
Board member Mario
Carmaciano was among the golfers.
“This is a great day,” he said, “and
we have a wonderful golf course
here at the Towers.”
Following the day’s activities,
golfers convened at Towers on the
Green for a cocktail hour followed
by a full buffet dinner with an open
bar. Now that’s the way to end a
great day of play!
Gene Price, president of the
Men’s Association, summed up
the event, “Some scored well and
some scored poorly, but everybody
had a good time. God willing, we
all stay healthy and do it again
next year!”
Golf Club pro Bob Guido calls the shots
What a gorgeous course in your own backyard!
The pause the refreshes