Towers Park - The Chairs Have It!
of the Mask
You’ll be taken to task,
If you don’t wear the mask.
It’s so hard to grasp,
But you must wear the mask.
Life still can be sweet,
If we’re apart by six feet.
And the right thing to do,
In the mailroom - only two.
Behind each mask is a frown,
When you take the elevator down.
Another rule to follow through,
Up and down - only two.
Sometimes you want to gasp?
Hard to breathe with the mask.
Remember this if you please;
It’s so hard not to sneeze.
It’s really been awhile,
Seeing someone smile.
Lips and nose in disguise,
All we see are their eyes.
Even sunglasses cover that,
Muffled sounds when we chat.
Thoughts so hard for grasping,
Can’t do multi-tasking.
So we keep six feet apart,
Wait for better days to start.
One good thing to take up,
No worry ‘bout our makeup!
We’re on the virus stakeout,
Doing lots of food takeout.
When does this end you ask?
To be continued - the Ballad of the Mask...
Due to Covid-19, many amenities and
social areas at the Towers have been
closed, making socializing very diffi-cult.
In an effort to combat the solitude, many
residents have found the answer...lawn chairs!
Yes, the lawn chairs that we all gave away
when we sold our houses; the lawn chairs
we had buried in our garages have now come
back into fashion. The great lawn chair hunt
is on! Amazon has a delayed delivery because
their supplies are dwindling, and many retail
stores are out of stock. The lucky lawn chair
owners can now nest in many areas of the the
Towers Park, and the big question of the day
for them is “Sun or Shade?”
Lawn chair fashion is now another symbol
of unexpected interest; too low, too high, too
heavy too beachy, too hard to open, too hard
to close, etc. Whatever your preference, it’s
nice to sit with friends, albeit approximately
six feet apart, on a grassy area in shade or sun.
Although we are conversing through masks,
at least we are not restricted to remaining in
our apartments. Another advantage is that
visiting families can see their loved ones
without having to enter the buildings and
ride the elevators. So afternoons can be spent
in idle chatter, or even an occasional meeting
of some of the clubs. Zooming not necessary!
In a recent column, some women’s club
members were mentioned in regard to what
they are accomplishing during this pandemic
time. Here are some of the results:
Chickie Kaufman has finished her afghan
and is now in the process of developing a tie
dye mask-making workshop for club members
along with the creative Irene Frank. Mask
making will be limited to members only.
Further information will be made available.
An appropriate venue is being investigated.
Carol Klinger has perfected her cookie
making recipe and will hold demonstrations
and tastings at the flagpole when the virus
is abated. Napkins will be provided, and a
surprise guest may appear for a sample.
Marilyn Goldberg, Selma Black and Selma
Baumgarten have held several walking mar-athons
and are preparing to lead women’s
club members through their program. Walking
classes will be held on designated mornings
at 10:00 a.m. Social distancing is required,
and the group is limited to fifteen. A lottery to
select walkers will be held if necessary. Wear
sneakers and comfortable clothing
Eleanor Ulrich will be directing plays for
interested would-be club thespians. “Wenches
on Benches” is slated to be performed with an
all-female cast. Auditions will be held near the
pickle ball court in the near future. Tryouts
will take place with masks; those who can
project without inhaling will be at a great
Program Chairperson Gloria Beck is cur-rently
writing a book on Yiddish remedies,
including an introductory chapter on the
benefits of a chicken soup regime as a pre-ventative
measure for avoiding the virus. She
also suggests that the inclusion of at least one
matzo ball in the golden liquid can go a long
way in discouraging any further escalations
of the pandemic. Salt free recipes have also
been touted due to the discovery that salt
inhibits viral reproduction.
Many of our southern sisters have returned to
the Towers after a difficult time in Florida. With
a quarantine in effect for all returnees, we look
forward to greeting them with social distancing
in place after their designated two weeks’ time
is over. We especially welcome our president,
Bobby Gould, who has many interesting sto-ries
to relate to us. Chock full of ideas for the
Women’s Club, we enjoy her enthusiasm and
are already working on several projects for our
members. Get ready gals, we’re on the move!
If numbers remain on a consistent level,
Towers management may consider refitting the
lobbies with seating, beginning with putting
in one chair. Chair time will be on a reserved
only basis with no drop-ins allowed. It is rec-ommended
that you put your name down with
your concierge and the designated time you
will be lobby sitting. In order to serve as many
residents as possible, reserved chair time will
be restricted to one hour.
If you are waiting in line for the chair to be
vacated, pleased respect the social distanc-ing
requirement. All cell phone usage will be