Dear Members,
The outdoor pool is now open. The protocols and policies we have implemented are designed to enable usage and
promote safety in compliance with, NYS, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and CDC guidelines.
These protocols are monitored closely for compliance and may be adjusted based on our observations.
Due to limited access to the pool facility, absolutely no guests or family members that do not reside at NST
are permitted to the pool facility. We are happy to say that no member has been turned away from enjoying
the pool.
Please take the time to read and adhere to the below policies we have established to enable usage of the outdoor
pool facility by everyone, while complying with the guidelines by the CDC, NYS and NYC Department of Health
and Mental Hygiene to promote 6 ft. social distancing and safety:
Main Outdoor Pool will be open from 9 am—7 pm daily. The kiddy pool is open 12-3 pm daily.
Please maintain 6 feet of separation to fulfill social distancing requirement both in and out of the water unless
you live in the same household.
Face masks/facial coverings are mandatory and must be worn to access the pool area and is to be worn at all
times when you are not in the pool and cannot be 6 ft. away from another member/staff. Face masks are not
permitted in the water per NYS Guidelines, however, you must maintain 6 ft. distance.
There is one pool entrance. This is located at the upper gate near the gazebo. Pathways and signs directing en-try
and exit routes have been marked for social distancing to stagger entry and to prevent congregating.
To exit the pool, please use the staircase on the upper deck nearest to the golf course.
Your active 2020 membership card must be shown to the Security Guard/TCC staff for entry along with a
temperature check and health questionnaire each time you wish to enter the pool and country club area. If you
have not picked up your 2020 card, please call the front desk receptionist at 718-428-5030 ext. 1000 and they
will prepare it for pick up. You will not be admitted without a current card.
Seating has been set up in compliance with social distancing guidelines. These chairs must remain in the proper
6 ft. distance unless you live in the same household. No personal chairs are permitted to be brought to the
Lounge cushions, tables, pool floats, noodles, etc. are not available for use.
We ask that you bring your own towel to place on the lounges and remove when you leave. Any towels or
belongings left after hours will be discarded. There will be no lost and found for the safety of our staff.
As always, there is no seat saving. This will be strictly enforced due to the limited capacity.
The outdoor bathroom is available for use (showers remain closed). Access to the bathrooms is limited to
2 members at a time and is sanitized regularly.
Food and glass bottles are not permitted at the pool.
Please bring water as the water machines are not available.
Hand sanitizing stations are set up and we ask that you please use and clean your chair after use.
Rainbow staff cleans the areas throughout the day multiple times.
We appreciate members extending the courtesy of compliance to social distancing guidelines while on club
premises. As always, we continue to ask for your patience and cooperation following the protocols to ensure
we meet State rules/guidelines while ensuring the safety of members and staff.