A meeting of your North
Shore Towers Board of
Directors was held on Mon-day,
July 20, 2020, with all members
present and participating remotely
via videoconference.
As the former licensees of the
VIP Room have chosen to end
their association with North Shore
Towers, the first topic of discus-sion
was the formation of a VIP
Club Room vendor search com-mittee,
the first step in securing a
suitable operator of food services
for our Country Club. A commit-tee
consisting of myself, Country
Club Chair Ed Phelan, Treasurer
Marty Schwartzman and General
Manager Glen Kotowski will
immediately begin the process of
seeking professional restauranteurs
capable of providing a high level of
food quality and service. Once an
ample number of candidates are
interviewed and comprehensively
vetted by the search committee,
recommendations will be made to
the entire Board of Directors for
their review and determination.
As New York City has not yet
entered Phase 4 allowing for
inside restaurant reopening under
the Governor’s Executive Order
guidelines, in order to provide food
service options to our residents
the Board has allowed the Towers
Restaurant to erect a tent behind
the restaurant for sit down table
service from 11 AM until 8 PM
daily. I can tell you firsthand it is a
good opportunity to get out of your
apartment and dine outdoors while
enjoying the view of our beautiful
golf course. The Courtyard Snack
Bar is also now open for business,
Tuesday through Sunday from 11
AM until 3 PM, for self-service
with tables reserved for snack bar
patrons to sit in the Courtyard for
a snack or light lunch. In addition,
takeout and delivery service con-tinues
to be available 7 days a week
from 9 AM until 9 PM.
Our House and Grounds
Committee Chair Steve Kirschner
provided an update on the front
courtyard area project, indicat-ing
that new sod will be planted
shortly, allowing for immediate
beautification. Park benches and
plantings of various ornamental
grasses, annuals and perennials
will complete the functionality
and overall look of the courtyard.
As previously reported, it was the
determination of the Board to allow
residents to bring chairs and sit in
front of their buildings temporarily
during the pandemic to enjoy the
outdoors. It was also determined
that it is inappropriate to set up
a picnic area, eat food and have
drinks other than water. It has once
again been brought to the attention
of the Board that personal refuse
is being left behind by those uti-lizing
the center courtyard area
as a picnic area. The front lawn
area of our buildings and center
courtyard are not picnic grounds
and this conduct distracts from
the enjoyment of the area by your
neighbors. Please be respectful of
our home, our community, and our
A matter of continual concern
and topic of Board discussion is the
health and safety of our community
during the Coronavirus pandemic.
I am unfortunately reminded by
residents daily of those who do
not adhere to CDC guidelines per-taining
to six-foot social distancing
and the wearing of masks or proper
face coverings. In situations where
a minimum of six-foot distancing
cannot be maintained, a mask or
face covering should be worn.
Medical experts advise that the
simplest way to protect ourselves
and each other from contracting
the virus is to wear a mask. It is not
only inconsiderate to do otherwise,
it is literally dangerous and unsafe.
The area of most concern regard-ing
proper social distancing is in
riding our elevators. Our elevators
have room for more than one occu-pant
to remain six feet apart, even
though a six foot social distance
is not required if everyone on the
elevator is properly wearing a mask
or face covering. Please be patient
if it becomes necessary to wait for
the next elevator--overcrowding
is unsafe, and it creates unwanted
stress and anxiety.
Any resident returning to North
Shore Towers from Florida or
any of the other states specified
in Governor Cuomo’s Executive
Order should be self-quarantining
for a period of 14 days consistent
with Department of Health reg-ulations
for quarantine. This is a
personal responsibility and has
substantial fines if you are found
violating the Order. Please be
respectful of yourself and of others
and do your part in helping prevent
the spread of the Coronavirus.
The revised dates for the 2020
Board of Directors Election
events, culminating with the
Annual Shareholders meeting on
Thursday, September 10, 2020,
are moving ahead as scheduled.
“Election Information and Request
for Nominations” was mailed out
to Shareholders on July 23. Any
Shareholder wanting to become a
candidate in this year’s election will
be required to submit their nom-ination
by 12 noon on Tuesday,
August 11.
Our on-site branch of Chase
Bank remains closed to custom-ers.
A written inquiry to upper
management of Chase resulted in
a corporate headquarters response
that there is no current date for
reopening the branch until such
time they can safely do so. We
will continue our efforts towards
expediting a reopening of our bank
In closing, on behalf of the
entire Board of Directors, I wish
to express our sincere gratitude
and appreciation for the hard
work and dedication of all of our
Building, Maintenance, Security,
Country Club and Management
Staff towards maintaining a safe
and healthy environment for all.
I must also recognize our Arcade
Vendors who continue to provide
services to our residents. It is
through their efforts that we are
safely able to go about our daily
business during this health crisis
and still enjoy some of the ameni-ties
and public spaces our unique
community offers. They are truly
professional, hard-working, and
caring and we are extremely for-tunate
to have them as part of our
North Shore Towers community.
Please join us by thanking any
one of them you encounter during
your day and express your appre-ciation
for a job well done in these
unprecedented times.
Fred Chernow, President
NST Board of Directors
President’s Report – August 2020
Fred Chernow
Calling All Humorists!
Do you have a funny story relating, in
part, to NST? Would you like to tell
it on 995, our In-House Channel?
Call or drop me a line and we will arrange a
date to have you tell your anecdote in front
of our video camera. If you don’t reach me,
please provide a phone number or email
address so that I can get back to you.
Fred Chernow
Email: FCmemory@gmail. Com
Phone: 347-836-8400