Men’s Club Update:
Pickle Ball, Anyone?
The game of pickle ball was
invented in the state of
Washington 55 years ago
and today ranks among the fastest
growing sports in the country. It
has taken pickle ball 45 years to
arrive at North Shore Towers, but
it is here now. Last year the area
around the barbecue and garden
was refurbished and a fenced-in
pickle ball court was installed.
The court has the appearance
of a tennis court, but half the
size. I would describe the game
as a combination of tennis, table
tennis, badminton and paddle
ball. The game can be played
by two players or a team of two
At about 9:00 am on any given
day a group of men and women
begin to congregate at the court
and begin their warmups in
preparation for their upcoming
matches. Last month I thought I
would go down to the court and
join in one of the games. After all,
hadn't I once had an illustrious
schoolyard athletic career? My
thoughts were quickly dispelled.
What I saw were four players vol-leying
(perhaps with less ferocity
than a Federer or a Nadal, but
still too fast for me).
Pickle ball has gained popular-ity
over the years with many who
can readily show you their AARP
cards. I think that many of us
feel that it is a way of extending
our athletic careers. Any way you
look at it, the exercise is great.
Steve Auerbach, whom I con-sider
the unofficial NST pickle
mall commissioner, told me that
there are about 25 active players,
with numbers on the rise. There
would seem to be the need for
more courts in the future.
On June 30, the movies came
to North Shore Towers Pickle
Ball when John Virga, our res-ident
communications guru,
came down to the court to do a
segment for channel 995 which
will be appearing over the sum-mer.
The film will show a game
in progress and will have some
player interviews.
I am very much impressed by
the comraderie among the play-ers.
They play hard but seem to
be having great time interacting
with each other between games.
While I was watching one of the
games I noticed a woman come
up to Steve Auerbach and ask
him how she might get involved.
I saw this as another indication
of how fast pickle ball is catching
on here at the Towers.
I spoke to Rhonda Schorr,
whose husband Jason is one
of the more accomplished
players. Jason can be seen on
certain afternoons helping
Rhonda and other newcomers
to the game hone their skills.
All lessons are gratis. If you are
interested in the program, you
can contact Steve Auerbach at
917-434-4822 or Howard Arkin
at 718-640-5776.
Rhonda & Jason on the court
Memos from
This month, the Men’s Club intro-duces
a new monthly feature that
will highlight interesting and
entertaining events that may be of interest to members. First up is a
recap of some of Broadway’s best offerings—all from the comfort of
your own living room.
Over the weekend of July 17, we were treated to three outstanding
productions of Broadway shows. On the Disney+, the streaming
channel, “Hamilton” was presented with the original cast. It’s a
great production but we recommend getting a copy of the lyrics for
a better understanding of the play and music (rap).
HBO also had an outstanding production of “Carousel” starring
Kelly O’Hara, which I am sure they will repeat. Don’t miss it.
Lastly, Lincoln Center at Home had a wonderful production of
“Porgy and Bess” which was staged at the Met. You can send them
your email address and they will place you on their list of shows to
be presented. Go to to sign up.
Yes, you CAN see Broadway even though the Great White Way
is closed. Enjoy!
~ Jerry Siegel