North Shore Towers Courier n August 2015 3 UP FOR DEBATE NORTH SHORE TOWERS hosts DEBATE FORUM for District 23 candidates MEET the CANDIDATES Ali Najmi is a Democrat running for City Council. Ali is a dedicated leader fighting for our community in Eastern Queens. He has demonstrated a unique ability to bring diverse communities together. Ali has led successful efforts to increase funding for youth programs in his community and r allied to improve schools and expand library service. ALI NAJMI REBECCA LYNCH Ali is a forceful advocate for working families. He has rallied for job creation, worker protections, and retirement security. Ali has valuable experience as the Legislative Director for Councilman Weprin. Ali is successful criminal defense attorney who fights injustice and is a member of the Brandeis Association. Ali understands the need for better policecommunity relations from his work as the general counsel of NYPD Desi Society. Ali was born at Long Island Jewish Hospital and is a graduate of PS115 and MS172. He graduated from Oberlin College and received his JD from CUNY Law. Barry Grodenchik is running to be the people’s voice as the next Council Member from District 23. An ordinary guy from Queens, Barry was born here and decided to raise his family here, and just like you, he cares deeply about the community. Over the years, Barry’s served in Borough Hall under three borough presidents, and has worked hard to help move Queens forward. He’s fought to ensure that neighborhoods are safe, schools are strong, and to make sure the community keeps its great parks, libraries and seniors centers. He’s also helped small business owners across the borough navigate government, so they can find success and create jobs. But the work isn’t finished. So while Barry’s that ordinary guy from Queens, he has the experience to deliver results. Barry would be grateful for your support for City Council on September 10th. There is a clear distinction between Bob Friedrich and his opponents. While Bob was fighting for our Community for more than 2 decades, his opponents were on the payroll of various politicians. Bob has been a Civic Leader organizing protests, battling for quality of life issues and holding elected officials accountable. On such issues as escalating water rates; inflated property taxes; broken sidewalks caused by city street trees; co-op affordability; stopping the Queens Village Neighborhood Prison project; opposing the $16 tolls for the 59th Street bridge and the 10¢ tax on plastic shopping bags, Bob’s opponents have been MIA. As President of Glen Oaks Village a community of 10,000 residents, Bob has the experience to fight for our neighborhoods on Day 1. He has strong support among community leaders and is an outspoken common sense Democrat who he will stand up to the agenda of the Mayor and City Council . At City Hall and in Queens, Celia will enhance the quality of life of all of the residents in the district by ensuring that the community continues to be a great place to live, work and raise a family. She plans to revitalize the economy through local job creation and tax relief programs for small businesses, renters and homeowners, and to increase the standard of living and quality of life of seniors, veterans and working and middle class families. Celia will evaluate the education system to increase student achievement; advance public safety programs to keep our neighborhoods safe; allocate much needed resources and funding to schools, after school programs, libraries, parks, disability services, senior programs and community centers; develop transportation options to make Queens more accessible; increase services for our veterans and establish beautification projects in our area by removing tree stumps from sidewalks and potholes from streets. Joseph Concannon is CEO of Integris Security LLC, a 25-year veteran of the NYPD serving as Deputy Director of Public Safety under Mayor Giuliani and a US Air Force Veteran. He has a Master’s degree in Public Administration from John Jay College. Joe lives in Bellerose, Queens, and is married with children and grandchildren. Joe Concannon is running on a platform of public safety, education and political reform. Crime has risen at an alarming rate and Joe wants to bring back common sense polices proven to work, like the “Broken Windows” approach. Joe will also increase funding for computer and digital technology in our classrooms to prepare our children for success in the global economy. Lastly, the voters of Queens are fed up with career politicians. Everyday another politician heads to jail. Joe joined the NYPD to clean up the streets, now he’s going to clean up City Hall. Rebecca was born and raised in Glen Oaks and has been committed to helping our district’s families her entire life. There is so much here that makes the area special: it includes great schools, gorgeous sprawling parks, and wonderful people who care deeply about the community. Since the district is so far from City Hall, it is easily neglected. Rebecca built a career fighting to ensure that government does right by working people. Now, Rebecca wants to continue that work as City Councilwoman. The communities of Eastern Queens deserve a dedicated representative who will fight for: more schools with less overcrowding, dependable transportation with more reliable buses and better roads, and a borough that’s affordable for middle class seniors and families. Rebecca has helped New Yorkers navigate city government as an Assistant Commissioner for Community Affairs, and she’s always been an advocate for working families. Satnam Singh Parhar is a successful community activist, businessman and philanthropist with a strong record of delivering results. Parhar pledges to provide the district with better public education and senior services, increased economic development initiatives, greater transportation alternatives, safe and clean streets and a cap on the increasing real estate taxes and water and sewage bills that have been hurting home owners. Parhar is looking forward to bringing unity to Queens most diver se council district and representing all of its constituents. “We have a duty to our communities to keep our streets safe and clean, to provide our children with the best possible education, and to offer seniors safe, secure and comfortable chartered centers. Most of all we must see to it that Council District 23 gets its fair share of city funding and resources that allows for economic growth and development, and a higher quality of life,” Parhar said. DEBATE FORUM for District 23 candidates August 5, 7:30 pm at the Towers Cinema Sponsored by Queens Courier and North Shore Towers Courier ALL ARE WELCOME BARRY GRODENCHIK BOB FRIEDRICH CELIA DEVI DOSAMANTES SATNAM SINGH PARHAR JOSEPH CONCANNON
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