

Sail into ANTIQUITY Travelscape For anyone who has succumbed to the spell of the sea the only true vacation is aboard ship. With few distractions you can ponder the clouds, sip cocktails under the stars and gaze off into the horizon; all without the hassle of packing, unpacking and racing to make connecting flights. There are hundreds of passenger vessels cruising the oceans and rivers of the world today. Some are megaton ships with Olympic-sized sports facilities, half a dozen restaurants, formal evenings and Las Vegas style revues. While these are made for some passengers others prefer the intimacy of small, laid-back vessels. They want a lack of pretension, but spacious accommodations, excellent food and service, exotic ports, knowledgeable guides and the option of leaving jacket and tie at home. Sometimes they even want more: a chance to discover the history, culture and natural wonders of the ports of call. Voyages to Antiquity offers this rare, cultural, cruise experience. In a warm and f r i e n d l y atmosphere, e x p e r t s in the field give l e c t u r e s , discussion groups are formed, and movies on the subject are enjoyed. Because all meals are open seating, table conversation may be on a broad variety of topics often inspired by the ports. In addition, this particularly handsome vessel offers no more than 350 lucky guests a stunning cocktail lounge and bar; a library with daily news releases in a variety of languages; indoor and outdoor dining including wine with dinner; afternoon tea; and a spa which offers pampering and beauty treatments. There are also fitness classes and a trio plays in the evenings. Whether your taste ranges from the great cities and outstanding wildlife of South Africa, to India and Southeast Asia, to a variety of itineraries, including little known ports on the Mediterranean, the pleasures of boutique-style cruising are unique. Voyages to Antiquity is the very best in cultural travel. It brings into your life the exciting and inspiring civilizations of the most historic and scenic regions of the world. 24 North Shore Towers Courier n August 2015 Call 1-877-398-1460 for more information and brochures. by scape Roberta Graff Or go to www.voyagestoantiquity.com

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