North Shore Towers Courier n August 2013 3 BY MAGGIE HAYES Hundreds of participants came out to “play for the cause” and unite against cancer in the North Shore Towers’ Babe event to raise funds for the American Cancer Society. “This is a vibrant community, and an event like this is a wonderful occasion to show off North Shore Towers in the best light,” said Paula Franklin, the event’s co-chair. “People are committed, they’re engaged and it’s a very exciting time.” Over 200 participants came out, a record for the Towers event, on Tuesday, July 9. Attendees hit the course for a 12-hole golf tournament and the ladies’ card room for a morning party of bridge and other games, then enjoyed a buffet lunch in Towers on the Green. All proceeds collected are going to the American Cancer Society to fund research and other endeavors to end the disease. “Any donation, no matter how small, is important,” Franklin said. “I am thrilled. I want to hug everybody that showed up and all of the people who helped.” Franklin and fellow co-chair Marion Weinstein wanted to extend the Babe event, which in the past has been known primarily to support breast cancer, to much more than just that. The event previously had an all-pink theme, to raise awareness about breast cancer. But this year, Franklin and Weinstein encouraged other colors to further the notion that this Babe event was for all types of cancer. The number of men involved this year skyrocketed to nearly 40, with last year’s number at just four. Franklin said she hopes the number continues to grow significantly in the future so the group can continue to support all types of cancer. Weinstein said she enjoyed seeing attendees show their camaraderie with one another and support for the cause. “I’m looking for, as is everybody else, a cure for cancer,” said participant Bernie Cohen. “Anything I can do, which is participating in this function which contributes to the research of cancer, is my pleasure.” Blossom Greenberg put together the “family tree” for the event and Joan Strumwasser helped organize the ladies’ card party. “Everybody cooperated, everybody worked hard,” Franklin said. Linda Silva Designs set up shop at the luncheon and displayed merchandise for attendees to browse and buy. Raffle prizes were given away as well. (continued on page 4) Babe event breaks records Women’s winners L to R: Janet Kremenitzer, Joyce Kates, Phyllis Dorman, Cheryl Rosenzweig, Sylvia Bizar Men’s winners L to R: Seymour Cohen, Mort Gitter, Ivan Kates and Jerry Zuckerbrod
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