Photo by Jack Schwarz NORTH SHORE TOWERS North Shore Towers Courier n July 2016 37 Photo of the Month Matzo Factory While on a tour of a matzo factory in Brooklyn, observing at the “production line” of matzos preparation the traditional Orthodox way, I noticed this serious man with an interesting demeanor. I normally look for people with fascinating faces or expressions to photograph and here there were many: women, children and men, making matzos. I decided that this gentleman would make a good subject. My guide informed me that the man didn’t speak much, but when I approached him and asked if I could take his photo, he said “Okay.” The resulting photo speaks for itself. My interest in photography started at a young age, when one of my uncles gave me a Kodak camera. Later, I received a Zeiss; and then a developing set, allowing me to make my own prints. I set up a developing room in our apartment, and with the money I received from my Bar Mitzvah, I purchased a speed graphic type 21/4x31/4 camera. I became the junior high school photographer, but that petered out during high school. My interest in photography restarted during college, continuing after graduation with family photos, mostly slides. My son eventually had them transferred to disc for me. I’ve used many different cameras over the years. When my wife, June, and I moved to North Shore Towers, I started taking photos for the Tower Times. As soon as I became aware of the Camera Club, I joined and continue to enjoy the experience. My work has most recently been displayed at the Douglaston/Little Neck Library and Tobi Held Art Gallery in West Hempstead. Camera Club BY JACK SCHWARZ JACK SCHWARZ Remembering Harold Krainin A little more than one-year ago, when Harold Krainin was a prospective member of the NST Writers’ Circle, he introduced himself to me by reading this poem, “Look at Me.” In its lively rhythm and diction, I heard his indefatigable spirit, and knew at once that he would be a treasured member of our Circle. From the —Roz Newman, Founder, Director LOOK AT ME Look at me! Look at me! Which me do you see, the one in the mirror, with thinning grey hair, pained stare, unsteady legs, a twist—almost a fall? Or do you see my psyche that feels no age jumps up, ready for the very next stage? Do you see my attitude? It rebuffs the inevitable, keeps me young. Gives me a future to plan. So to hell with the pains, the limp and the hair. On with my life, FANTASTIC AND RARE! — Harold K “It was a privilege to spend two hours with Harold every Wednesday at our Writers’ Circle workshops. The twinkle in his eyes, his zest for life and humorous writing, inspired me.” —Marian Nemetsky “I admired Harold. He told me that when he was sixtyeight, he started writing fiction and non-fiction drawn from his experience as an attorney, his fulfilling personal life and his rich imagination. He was an unforgettable man.” —Robert Levine “I loved Harold’s wit, humor, and smile. I’ll always treasure his gift to me: HAROLD’S DICTIONARY OF ORIGINAL NEW WORDS.” —Grace Sells “I’ll never forget Harold’s hilarious reading of ‘The 5,500 Year-Old Man,’ his parody of Mel Brooks’s and Carl Reiner’s ‘The Two-Thousand- Year-Old Man.’” —Bunny Leyton “I’ll always remember Harold for his unique and off-beat sense of humor and his outrageous puns. He’ll be greatly missed.” —Marvin Meyerson “I met him very few times/But we clicked right away/We both wrote in rhymes.” —Bernice Zakin Writer’s Circle
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