

North Shore Towers Courier n June 2013 29 RESTAURANT AUTHENTIC GREEK CUISINE BAR/BAT MITZVAH BIRTHDAYS BRIDAL SHOWER SWEET SIXTEEN PARTY ROOM AVAILABLE 20% Off Dinner Sun.-Thurs. Not to be combined with any other offers. Offer available with coupon only. CASH FOR GOLD! For The Highest Payout In New York WE ARE A 4TH GENERATION FAMILY-OWNED BUSINESS CAN’T MAKE IT INTO OUR STORE? We Will Come To You! We Make House Calls! GLEN OAKS 253-23 UNION TPKE • (718) 347-4653 CORNER OF LITTLE NECK PKWY & UNION TPKE BROOKLYN 9716 CHURCH AVE CORNER OF ROCKAWAY PKWY 718-485-0202 GOLD, SILVER & DIAMONDS ARE AT HIGHEST IN 25 YEARS!* We Pay Cash For: N.Y. Gold Buyers Westbury Gold We Do Gold Parties • GOLD • DIAMONDS • PLATINUM • SILVER • ANTIQUES • ESTATE JEWLERY • SILVERWARE • WATCHES • FINE CRYSTAL • ALL PRE-1964 US COINS WE ARE #1 OUR CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: Call Anytime 516-236-8815 FRESH MEADOWS 183-16 HORACE HARDING EXPWY (718) 321-3440 NEXT TO ALI BABA RESTAURANT MASPETH 61-51 GRAND AVENUE (718) 476-8939 ACROSS FROM DUANE READE WESTBURY (LONG ISLAND) 465 OLD COUNTRY RD. WESTBURY NY, 11590 (516) 334-2274 NEXT TO DUNKIN DONUTS 25 Middleneck Road • Great Neck (516) 305-4958 www.ETHOSRESTAURANT.com P/U CHANGES FROM AD# ETHS-105814 REMOVE FREE DELIVERY ON BOTTOM UNDER THE NUMBER BRING YOUR OWN LIQUOR FOR NOW, LIQUIOR LICENSE PENDING. EXCEPTIONAL NEW LUNCH MENU. GREAT PRICES! TRY US FIRST TIME 15% OFF. Who do you call if you need someone, or a senior you love needs someone to drive to the market? Go to the doctors? Take care of a pet? Do some light housekeeping? Yard work? Maintenance? Or even to stay overnight? Seniors Helping Seniors® inhome services, is that one phone call to make. This organization matches seniors who are in need of those home services with senior helpers who can provide them. The Seniors Helping Seniors® franchise community has over 200 offices around the country, and five here in New York. The newest is right here in Port Washington. “Seniors Helping Seniors® in-home services provides seniors with the ability to choose an independent lifestyle in their own homes, for as long as possible, with the dignity and respect they deserve by finding caring seniors who help each other,” said Executive Director Kiran Yocom, who was honored by Huggins’ Hero” by WCAU TV in Philadelphia and by Governor Rendell who attended the Seniors Helping Seniors® annual picnic at the Yocom’s home in Wyomissing Hills. In addition, it works. “When my aunt got to be too much for my uncle to take care of at home, we tried an assisted living facility,” said the niece about her relative, who receive care from Seniors Helping Seniors® in-home services. “He was incredibly lonely and heartbroken and so was my aunt. However, when we found the Seniors Helping Seniors® In – Home Services, my uncle finally felt like he had somebody who really understood what he was going through. He got the help he needed and 24-hour care that allowed him to bring his wife back home.” The rapidly growing population of seniors has combined with more and more seniors determined to remain independent in their own homes. “A much better alternative to being in a long-term care facility,” said Yocom “and at less healthcare costs.” Seniors Helping Seniors® in-home services, has affordable rates for those who need services and supplement their income to seniors who help out. Those who give and those who receive learn from each other every day – and all we hear is about how rewarding it is for both of them. Seniors Helping Seniors® in-home services is the place to call for the help you want at a price you can afford®. For more information, please check the website at www.seniorshelpingseniors.com/plainview. Then call for a FREE in home assessment. 1-888-747-2644

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