Photos by Arnie Rabinowitz
On April 12, the North
Shore Towers Men’s Club
had its regular monthly
meeting, a “fact finding” meeting,
chaired by President Arnie
Rabinowitz. Communication
among members was encouraged,
as Arnie opened the floor
to programing suggestions for the
upcoming year. The Men’s Club
website, maintained by Toby
Horowitz, lists scheduled events
and information about the Men’s
Club. The website address is
The Men’s Club will continue
lunches for members, and dinners
for members with guests, at popular
local restaurants. On April 19,
we had a delicious dinner at La
Grotta Ristorante, and on April
26, we had an equally enjoyable
lunch at Mother’s. Good food
at reasonable prices, and most
importantly, good company are the
hallmarks of Men’s Club Events.
Plans are in the works for a film
night, poker night and a Met game
at CitiField. North Shore Towers
President Mario Carmiciano discussed
introducing new residents
to the Men’s Club.
Men’s Club has meetings on the
second Thursday of every month
at 7:30 p.m. Our featured speaker
at our May 10 meeting will be
Counselor and Psychotherapist
Terri Rabinowitz, discussing
“Questions and Answers in
Dealing with Emotions, Moods
and Relationship Issues.” Terri is
a highly successful therapist and
private practitioner who deals with
relationship issues of individuals,
family and groups. With an MA
in Social Work from Adelphi
University and more than 25 years’
experience, Terrie’s been on radio,
TV and has lectured as a motivational
speaker. Your questions will
be submitted anonymously on
index cards, and privacy will be
respected. Coffee and cake will be
available, and for a charge of $5,
guests are welcome when accompanied
by a member. If you have
any questions, please call Jerry
Siegel at 347-235-4513.
Attended by about 20 members,
this month’s Current Events
Group meeting was like a wide
ranging Political Science Seminar.
Once more our members demonstrated
their vast and astounding
knowledge and ability to interpret
what is going on in the world
today. From Cynthia Nixon’s
campaign for Governor to a true
definition of entitlements, from the
replacement of General McMaster
by John Bolton to possible talks
with North Korea and what might
happen if they fail; all fell under
the scrutiny and analysis of our
membership. Should you care
to stretch those “brain muscles”
come to our next meeting on May
14 at 10:30 a.m. in the Coleridge
Lounge. Lee Hiller will again be
our leader.
Due to Ralph Edwards taking
ill, the next meeting of the Book
Group will be chaired by Mal Salit,
whose number is 718-631-4152.
Please call him for further information.
I’m sure everyone joins
me in wishing Ralph a complete
and speedy recovery. Bingo needs
you Ralph.
A reminder to all regarding our
new Men’s Club website—northshoretowersmensclub.
org. Make it
a “Favorite,” where you will find
out much about our club, past,
present and future.
The highlight of our dining this
month was a trip to Mitzumi, an
Asian American Buffet in Little
Neck, opposite the driving range.
There were hundreds and hundreds
of delicious samples of culinary
excellence, and everything is
labeled! It definitely belongs on
your “bucket list.”
Want a little friendly conversation
with your breakfasts? Then
have it with us at Buffy’s every
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
at 9:00 a.m. Remember BINGO
on the last Sunday of the month
at 7:30 p.m. in the large cardroom
on the lower level. Bring a friend
or two. All are welcome.
If you would like more information
about our club, call our
President, Arnie Rabinowitz, at
516-317-6705. If you would like
more information about our
events, call our Events Chairman,
Jerry Siegel, at 347-235-4513, and
if you want to join our club, call
our Membership Chairman, Joe
DiGiovanni at 516-965-9225.
Bingo winner Steve Auerbach. Lunch at Mizumi Asian buffet
May 2017 Schedule of Events
• Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:15
a.m.—Breakfast at Buffy’s
• Tuesday, May 1, at 9:45 a.m.—Events
Committed Meeting following Breakfast at
• Thursday, May 10 at 7:30 p.m.—Meeting in
large card room, Building #2. Speaker Terrie
Rabinowitz Counselor
• Monday, May 1, at 10:30 a.m.—Current
Events Meeting in the Coleridge Lounge.
• Thursday, May 17 at 12:15 p.m.—Members-
Only Lunch at the Jolly Fisherman. Order
from lunch menu with costs to be shared
(approximately $30.00 per person)
• Sunday, May 20 at 7:30 p.m.—Bingo in the
large card room, Building #2
• Thursday, May 31 at 7:00 p.m.—Member/
Guest Dinner at La Baraka Restaurant
on Northern Boulevard in Little Neck.
Outstanding dinner consisting of soup, salad,
choice of 3 entrees, dessert, coffee or tea, and
unlimited wine. Cost approximately $40 per
person including tax and tip.