

40 North Shore Towers Courier n April 2014 jklabcdefghi jklabcdefghi 4 9 3 7 5 4 8 5 1 2 7 4 6 1 7 5 9 1 9 7 5 2 3 9 8 2 5 6 7 5 2 SUDOKU Fill in the blank squares in the grid, making sure that every row, column and 3-by-3 box includes all digits 1 through 9. Across 1. Lift 9. RNA component 15. Italian dessert 16. Fur 17. A scolding old woman 18. Damon, to Pythias 19. Charlotte-to-Raleigh dir. 20. Archaeological site 21. Car accessory 22. Cloak-and-dagger org. 23. Physics units 25. Brain cell 27. “___ alive!” (contraction) 28. Football 30. Came down 31. Officials who carry ceremonial staffs 34. Intentionally kept concealed 36. Dior creation (hyphenated) 37. “Is that ___?” 38. Sanskrit for “life force” 39. Expressing joy 41. Itty-bitty 42. Bags 43. Fermented Mexican drinks made from agave juice 45. In-flight info, for short 46. Chair repair 47. Chinese dynasty 51. “Sesame Street” watcher 52. “___ moment” 53. Blouse, e.g. 55. Amscrayed 56. Eventually (2 wds) 58. Pasta topper 60. Graduated 61. City district with its own police unit 62. Subatomic particles 63. Lower Spanish nobility members Down 1. Aromatic solvent 2. Jungle climber 3. Blew it 4. Alt. spelling 5. During 6. News 7. Siouan speakers 8. Bleed 9. Frank 10. Aired again 11. “Aladdin” prince 12. Order of amphibians resembling earthworms 13. Car starters 14. Influenced someone to do bad things (2 wds) 21. Edible European flatfish 24. Devotes 26. Tiny Tim’s instrument 29. Anger (pl.) 30. Check 31. Unusual power to attract 32. Without warning (3 wds) 33. Italian white breads used to make panini 35. Fencing sword 37. Charm 40. Devices to pry off bottle caps 41. Instructed privately 8 5 7 4 6 2 9 1 3 44. Inhabitant of country 9 1 6 3 8 5 2 4 7 whose capital is Doha 3 4 2 9 7 1 6 5 8 46. ___ numerals 48. Big ape 5 7 9 2 3 8 4 6 1 49. Person involved in 4 6 3 1 5 9 8 7 2 organized crime involving 1 2 8 7 4 6 5 3 9 drugs 50. No-see-ums 7 8 4 5 2 3 1 9 6 54. 12-point type 6 9 5 8 1 7 3 2 4 57. 1969 Peace Prize grp. 2 3 1 6 9 4 7 8 5 58. Dash abbr. 59. Bubkes Answers to last month’s NST Puzzle & Sudoku ARIES - 3/21-4/19 The old saying, ‘strike while the iron’s hot’ derives from a need for blacksmiths to shape iron while it’s pliable. The more that time is allowed to pass, the more likely it is they will lose an opportunity. We understand the saying to involve acting decisively and seizing opportunities when they arise. This month’s important opportunity will require you to act decisively. Expect to have to make a swift decision of sorts. Don’t disregard the fact that this ‘quick decision’ could simply involve another decision: to wait, and wait until your heart tells you the time is right to take more action! TAURUS - 4/20-5/20 Popular people have many demands made of their time. So too, do successful people. Both subscribe to the belief that opportunities are to be seized and, to seize as many as possible, time and effort need to be invested. Popular and successful people are therefore sought after by others keen to learn and experience similar. This month, expect demands on your time from certain others. You’re being looked toward for guidance in some way. You don’t have to address every demand made of you but will undoubtedly gain and benefit from assisting with some. GEMINI - 5/21-6/20 Wind energy can be harnessed and helpful in numerous ways yet we see all too often how damaging it can be. We’re at its mercy yet wind is willing to work with us if we can channel it effectively. This month, there will be a strong and unignorable prevailing wind of change in your world. This presents you with two options. You can go with its flow and accept that where you’re being taken will undoubtedly be preferable to where you are and have been, or you can attempt to resist it. Relax and allow yourself to be carried to a much brighter and less stressful future. CANCER - 6/21-7/22 Boxers love to intimidate each other. Often, this doesn’t involve words. Much can be conveyed with an eyeball-to-eyeball stare. Despite this ‘squaring up’ being part of an act, it gives ticket paying fans what they want to see and creates an atmosphere they want. This month, expect to have to consider how ‘real’ a dispute or argument is and how obliged you are to play a part in making it so. You have the option to apply sensitivity where aggression is expected of you. Do so and you will remove a façade that finally allows a much needed conversation to happen. LEO - 7/23-8/22 How much does ‘it’ matter? If you’re not yet aware of what ‘it’ is and why you ought to consider how much ‘it’ matters, then, as March gets underway, you’re likely to have a clear idea about what ‘it’ is. This month, you’re presented with an interesting challenge and one that is challenging in ways you’re not likely to have anticipated. When presented with a seemingly strong and valid reason to express concern at a particular development, your challenge surrounds rising about it and seeing what’s positive within it. The sky insists this is a challenge you will succeed with. VIRGO - 8/23-9/22 Are you growing weary of focusing on an aspect of your past that you believe holds much relevance to your present and future? Hopefully, the answer to that question is a resounding ‘yes’. The present and future can be more easily dealt with than you’re allowing yourself to believe and, during March, expect to discover more than one reason why your perceived need to focus on previous events in the belief they need attention you’re giving them can be ignored and discarded altogether. Coming weeks will eventually convince you that you’ve nothing to fear. LIBRA - 9/23 - 10/22 We all knew bullies when we were younger yet bullying isn’t something only young people have the displeasure of experiencing. Bullies like to know those they’re bullying are afraid of them. It is essential the ‘fear factor’ exists otherwise the bully has to work harder and nothing frustrates them more than discovering a target is unafraid of them. What does this have to do with your forecast for March? It’s important you send a clear message to an intimidating individual that you’re not afraid of them. The cosmos will help with all the confidence and courage you need. SCORPIO - 10/23-11/21 Sometimes, we prefer the act of chasing to that catching. There’s something about excitement we feel from the challenge surrounding trying to attain something and, when we are able to grasp it, we sense fun experienced through getting it has gone. Sometimes, we even look at what we’ve managed to achieve with a tinge of resentment. This month, your challenge surrounds recognizing how helpful something or someone can be if you’re willing to accept that it or they need to be part of your world and not kept outside of it as a recreational or amusing pastime. SAGITTARIUS - 11/22/12/21 Sometimes, when we’re struggling, we wish someone would take us by the hand and ‘show us the way’. If a certain person was able to offer you such assistance that ensured a desired result but their methods were seen by you as far removed from what you feel you ought to b expected to support, would you still refuse such help? This month, you have an unbelievable level of cosmic support to resolve an issue you’ve long wanted resolved. Don’t question the manner in which help is being offered. Just smile and accept it because it is precisely what you need. CAPRICORN - 12/22-1/19 Your fellow Capricorn, David Bowie, sang years ago about the disbenefits of putting out fires with gasoline. This month sees you in a similar position where you find yourself at loggerheads with a certain person or organization. The outcome to a dispute or tense discussion lies very much with you and your attitude toward making an issue less of an issue. You can add fuel to an existing fire by being disagreeable, inflexible and confrontational. Alternatively, you can be accommodating and empathetic. Be both and real progress can be made where you’ve long wanted it. AQUARIUS - 1/20-2/18 Within pollution ridden cities, beauty exists. Flowers bloom and trees blossom, oblivious to their bleak surroundings. We’re often quick to focus intently on what’s undesirable and unappealing in cities renowned for being so. It’s easier to focus on what’s bigger or more apparent, especially if we believe anything to be more important than what’s subtle and worthy of closer inspection. This month, don’t let all that’s mundane or seemingly unappealing overshadow something beautiful and heartwarming wanting to reveal itself. What’s small and subtle holds the key to contentment. PISCES - 2/19-3/20 There are many interesting postings appearing on social media that are fun to read. These are paragraphs of text with one letter missing from each word or letters replacing numbers yet we can still read the words. Sometimes, our brains don’t need as much information as we give them to understand something clearly. This month, you risk making yourself frustrated with a perceived need for something to be perfect before you can proceed confidently. During coming weeks, you will see evidence that you have all you need to do precisely that.

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