NST’s Technical Teaching Program
Caring Means Sharing
No one practices that more
diligently than Women’s
Club member Carol
Klinger. Initiating a special program
several months ago to provide
blankets to hospitals, health care
personnel and others related to the
pandemic crises, Carol embarked
on a knitting project involving
dozens of volunteers. Knitting along
with the cooperation of the Towers
Knitting Club, over 100 blankets
have been completed and delivered
to caregivers for their use. In addition,
hats are also on the way.
The Caregiver Center of North
Shore University Hospital, under
the leadership of Alyssa McCready,
has been established to provide
many special services to people
suffering from issues related to
the pandemic. By providing moral
support and the luxury of blankets
while taking well needed breaks in
the Lavender Room of the hospital,
these volunteers and workers are
being given a clear and positive message
of gratitude and support. The
Lavender Room is a place to take
a break from their arduous tasks
during the day and workers have
now been provided with lavender
blankets under the auspices of Carol
Klinger and her team.
The Caregiver Center is in full
swing and is open Monday to
Friday from 9 am to 5pm. Areas of
support include caregiver resources,
emotional help, special support
groups, outreach care and peer-topeer
support from caregiver coaches,
amongst many other services.
Anyone in need is asked to call the
Caregiver Center at 526-562-4750.
It’s located in the Monti Lobby of
North Shore University Hospital.
Their motto is: “Our Caregiver
Center is here for you.”
The Women’s Club is proud to be
associated with this vital program
and applauds Carol Klinger for
giving us this opportunity. Carol
continues to be involved and is
working with Cindy Cassiere,
volunteer and wife of Dr. Hugh
Cassiere, Chief of Division, Critical
Care Department of Medicine at
North Shore University Hospital.
In recognizing Carol’s efforts,
Cindy said, ”Blankets from Carol
Klinger and the fabulous ladies at
North Shore Towers, and the outpouring
of love from the community,
is tremendous. Let’s keep taking
care of them as they are our loved
ones. Community is everything.”
The Caregiver Center has been
created in a time of crisis, and the
volunteer commitment and the surrounding
community involvement
of people like Cindy and Carol at
the helm make caring and sharing
the watchwords for healing in body
and soul.
Success Story Seeks Instructors
In December, the Special Projects Committee,
led by Bob Ricken, launched its Technical
Teaching Program. It has been wildly
There is currently a waiting list of excited
residents, anxious to begin learning. Our staff
of volunteer instructors is overloaded. In short,
we need more instructors to keep up with the
That’s actually a good thing. It means that our
residents are eager to learn, and word-of-mouth
about the program is extremely positive. Students
are learning computer skills that give them the
ability to make purchases online, use Zoom and
FaceTime to connect with family and friends,
utilize BuildingLink to stay on top of NST activities
and more.
Our instructors are unsalaried, yet there are
substantial rewards. On one level, know that by
sharing your knowledge and expertise, you are
building someone’s confidence and independence.
On a deeper level, by extending your hand to your
neighbors, you can make this uniquely difficult
winter a little easier for some of them.
One instructor shared some of the feedback
she’s gotten from her students:
“My student called me in the middle of her
corporate Zoom conference. That’s how excited
she was that I had taught her how to use Zoom.”
“I got a surprise call one morning. My student
was involved in her first Instacart order but she
stopped, called me and wanted to treat me to
“My iPad was just gathering dust in the corner
of my apartment. My instructor just waived her
magic wand, she cleaned and repaired it and gave
me some basic lessons. Now I’m on my way!!!”
If you have the appropriate skills and just the
right spirit, please join our program as a volunteer
instructor. Contact Karen Perry at (718) 225-0107
or perrykdale@aol.com.
For each enthusiastic resident on the waiting
list, know that the wait will be worth your while!
Carol Klinger left and Cindy
Cindy Cassiere and Dr.
Hugh Cassiere
Listen Up!
NST Resident Ellin Grodsky Co-hosts New Podcast
“Call Your Grandmother” is a new
podcast series that features grandmothers
talking about their lives,
customs and advice for their grandchildren.
This first season has NST’s
own Ellin Grodsky as co-host of six
episodes about Jewish grandmothers—
so you know it will be wise and witty.
The podcast launched on iHeart-
Radio on January 28 and can be
heard everywhere podcasts are
available. New episodes air every
Thursday. Visit iHeart.com/apps to
download iHeartRadio and listen
on your favorite device.