North Shore Towers Courier n February 2013 21 Dear Joan, In the theatre, in the supermarket, in the office, in the mall, in the restaurant, in the bathroom, in bed, in the swimming pool, in the car, at the basketball game, on the golf course, on the train, on the plane, at the lake, on the trail, in the forest, at the park, in the hotel, in the bedroom, and anywhere else you might go. I’ll be there. Yours Truly, Tinnitus Don’t let this happen to you, contact Dr. Herzfeld regarding what therapies are available for you. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy • Music Therapies Masking/Mingling Devices • Hyperacusis, Misophonia and Phonophobia Hearing and Tinnitus Center 113 Crossways Park Drive, Ste 101, Woodbury, NY 11797 Melanie Herzfeld, Au.D. 516-364-0011 www.
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