New York Imaging Specialists Announces Grand Opening in Port Jefferson Station
New York Imaging Specialists
announces the grand opening of
its newest facility, at 1500 Route
112, Building 2A in Port Jefferson
Station, NY 11776.
New York Imaging Specialists
features board-ce r t i f i e d
radiologists and the most
modern imaging equipment. The
ACR-accredited facility utilizes
Computed Tomography (CT), PET/
CT Scanner, PET/Bone scan, and
Ultrasound. Additionally, the office
will offer radionuclide therapy,
which uses radiopharmaceutical
drugs to hyper-target tumors and
reduce the spread of radiation.
According to Dr. Tony Abraham, New York
Imaging Specialists address patients’ concerns
regarding radiation exposure by adhering
to protocols and hyper-targeting tumors.
Additionally, Abraham prides himself on
putting his patients at ease during radiation
treatment. He stated, “After discussing the
benefits of radiation, I like to explain how
the amount of radiation they are exposed to
through diagnostic imaging compares to the
radiation exposure they might be experiencing
in their daily lives.”
Last December, the Discovery IQ PET-CT
Scanner was unveiled in the Southampton
office at 640 Country Road 39, Southampton,
NY 11968. It is the only one of its kind on Eastern
Long Island, which drastically reduces the
distance patients need to drive for treatment.
Now with two locations: Port Jefferson
Station and Southampton, New York Imaging
Specialists is expanding its reach throughout
Suffolk County.
If you would like to make an appointment,
please call 833-2NY-IMAGE or 833-269-4624.
For more information, please visit our website
at NYImaging.com.
About NY Imaging Specialists
Our dedicated staff provides the highestquality
advanced imaging in a patient-centered
and compassionate environment, with the
comfort and convenience of being close to
home. We are an ACR-accredited facility with
accreditation in CT, PET/CT, and Ultrasound.