34 DECEMBER 2 0 1 8
The personality of each animal is
remarkably captured in the eyes of
each portrait: Tucker’s far-off stare
gives him a noble, wise appearance;
the yellowish-green eyes of a white cat
make it look cunning and devious; a
little Chihuahua’s bulbous brown eyes
are sleepy yet attentive.
For as much skill as Klugh has in this
art form, she is equally adept in a field
that seldom goes hand-in-hand with
the leisurely activity of embroidering:
fitness, specifically yoga and Pilates.
Having gone to school for dance, Klugh
was no stranger to complex movement,
but it wasn’t until she discovered a
particular method of yoga called Anya
that she became interested in the
ancient Indian discipline.
“I didn’t really enjoy yoga before, until
I found a method that really sparked
my creativity,” Klugh said. “It has a nice
intellectual aspect to it.”
After familiarizing herself with yoga,
Klugh branched out into Pilates, which
she has since developed an equal
fondness for.
Klugh divides much of her time
between these two vocations:
embroidery and private fitness
instruction. While the two practices
might seem completely different, Klugh
said that both needlework and yoga
bring her to the same mental state.