(continued from page 47) With such inventive flavor featured on the menu at Pachanga Patterson, it only seemed natural to inquire about Powell’s desired response. “I would like patrons to shake off any preconceptions,” he answers, “because Pachanga is a seasonal, market-driven spot influenced by Mexico. I am not out to replicate the staples, but to try to tap into the creative current of all the influences Queens has to offer—all with the soul of the great cuisine of Mexico. I want people to try new things and keep them interested. 48 | BOROMAG.COM | JUNE 2015 On the same token, it should be comfortable and in no way pretentious. At the end of the day I want to make creative food that people crave.” “My wife and I always judge a restaurant,” he continues, “by asking each other if there was something we ate that during the following weeks we are both craving?” Whether it is a soft taco filled with a pickled soft-centered egg and sweet charred tomatillo, foie gras paired with juicy pineapple and beets, or broken angel hair stewed with seafood in a clay pot, practically every dish at Pachanga Patterson is one you will not soon forget. FOOD & DRINK 33-17 31st Ave., Astoria, NY 718-554-0525 www.pachangapatterson.com Oyster Mushroom Tostada Foie Gras Concha Avocado Toast con Chicharrones Chef Peyton Powell
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