‘Deathtrap’ is a lively mystery at
Douglaston Community Theatre
The 1970s comedy/mystery
“Deathtrap” ran on Broadway
for close to 1,800 performances.
Now, it’s on stage at Douglaston
Community Theatre (DCT),
which is celebrating its 70th anniversary
in Queens with this twisting,
turning tale that boasts a
sophisticated touch of tantalizing
Of course, there’s at least one
dark and stormy night. Th e once
famous playwright Sidney Bruhl
(Joe Pepe) is suff ering from a serious
case of writer’s block. He will
do anything for another Broadway
smash. Anything!
His long suff ering wife Myra
(Dawn Bianco) actually has
mixed emotions. How far is too
far to regain her husband’s long
lost fame? Enter Cliff ord (Danny
Leonard), a struggling writer with
a surefi re idea. Will he become a victim or
Th eir neighbor Helga (played by Sherry
Mandery), who happens to be a shockingly
accurate psychic, adds well-timed
intrigue. Th ank goodness for loyal friend
and level headed attorney Porter Milgrim
(Ken Cohn). He couldn’t possibly participate
in the murderous mischief? Well,
could he?
Th e audience is treated to a dazzling
display of unexpected plot reversals that
never goes stale. All the action unfolds
in the Bruhl study in Connecticut. Th e
walls are covered with gruesome weapons
including cleavers, handcuff s, pistols,
swords and sickles (props by Robert Gold/
Gary Tifeld/Catherine & Kevin Clyne).
Which one will strike the fatal blow?
Director Linda Hanson welcomed the
audience before the play begins and has
guided numerous DCT productions
over many successful years.
As usual, the cast includes seasoned
veterans and relative newcomers.
Joe Pepe plays the lead
with relentless and possibly ruthless
determination. He eff ortlessly
maintains his character’s
despicability at every turn. Dawn
Bianco ably portrays his neurotic
wife. At times her body and
voice seem to quiver and shake.
Danny Leonard, playing the
trusting young student, matches
Pepe’s timing as the storyline
twists. He is so calm and casual.
His conscience must be clear. Or
maybe not!
Th e production staff capably
delivers the evening’s sets (Ian
McDonald), staging (Marionanne
Rourke) lighting, sound and
music (Robert Stivanello, Peter
David Zhong and Gary Tifeld). Th e play
itself unfolds at the Parish Hall of the Zion
Episcopal Church in Douglaston.
For ticket information on this and their
future productions call 718-482-3332 or
visit www.dctonline.org.
As always, save me a seat on the aisle.
APAC’s ‘Marguerite’ is a clever and creative production
Th e dauntless production team at
Astoria Performing Arts Center (APAC)
continues to utilize clever, creative strategies
as they seek a new, permanent
venue. Th eir latest New York premiere is
“Marguerite,” a musical biography of courageous
17th-century Sister Marguerite
who becomes the fi rst female saint of
Montreal, Canada.
Executive and artistic directors Jeff
Griffi n and Dev Bondarin explain how
the production mirrors the troupe’s situation.
“Th is year we fi nd ourselves in motion
… APAC is literally ‘without walls’ and
this year’s work is refl ective of that fact,”
they said.
Th e 80-minute uninterrupted musical
monologue is off ered by Tony Awardwinner
Cady Huff man. To maximize the
impact of a sainted nun, the performance
is presented in the actual sanctuary of the
Church of the Redeemer at the corner of
Crescent Street and 30th Road in Astoria.
Two rows of seats are fi lled with sisters
from the Congregation de Notre Dame.
Huff man dresses in a humble habit
from the colonial era (designer Jennifer
A. Jacob). Her voice echoes and resonates
beautifully against the chapel’s stone walls.
Huff man punctuates each segment with a
modest, yet self-assured smile. Th e audience,
seated in pews just feet from the
action, feels the reverence, strength and
pride that Sister Marguerite possessed.
As Huff man continues, the story
becomes more compelling. By the conclusion
of the story, Huff man’s tears are
streaming down her cheeks. Brava!
A tasteful two-piece orchestra features
music director Yan Li on piano
and Frederick Alden Terry on cello. Th e
music itself (by Michael Cooper) ranges
from deeply mournful to upbeat and
optimistic. Th roughout the performance,
it serves as an extremely solid background
for the sister’s story. Th e book and lyrics
(by Anton Dudley) is much more than
a detailed narrative of Marguerite’s life.
It is a tribute to one woman’s strength
and self-sacrifi ce through extremely trying
APAC’s 2019-2020 season includes a
new drama entitled “Jump” and a revival
of “Man of La Mancha.”
For information on their current project
and future performances, call 718-
706-5750, visit www.apacny.org, and follow
APAC on social media.
As always, save me a seat on the aisle.
Courtesy of Michael Dekker
Courtesy of Douglaston Community Theatre
(From left to right) Dawn Bianco, Danny Leonard and Joe Pepe in “Deathtrap.”