Beat the Bah Humbug: 6 tips to
relieving holiday season stress
‘Tis the season! While the holidays are
synonymous with peace, love and joy for
many who celebrate, the holiday season
can be fi lled with discomfort. According
to the national “Beating the Holiday
Burn” survey of 2,000 Americans 18 and
older, from long to-do lists to disagreements
with loved ones to overeating, 88
percent of respondents noted they feel
stressed when celebrating the holidays.
To help you make the most of this holiday
season, family therapist and author,
Tom Kersting, recommends the following
1. Seek Silence
Oh, silent night! With the hustle and
bustle of the season, surrounding noises
can create added anxiety. Th roughout the
season, make an eff ort to disconnect from
the outside world and, instead, reconnect
with your inside world. Find a quiet space
where you can think and evaluate without
the world getting in the way. When silence
is hard to come by, a pair of noise-cancelling
headphones can go a long way in
achieving the calm that silence brings.
2. Practice Mindful Eating
In addition to the unease we may feel,
the foods we consume, whether as a result
of that stress or our desire to indulge, can
have a direct eff ect on how we feel during
the holidays. Th e season is oft en fi lled
with fatty and fried foods and alcohol, all
of which are triggers of heartburn. While
avoiding these foods altogether can be
diffi cult, treating heartburn isn’t. For frequent
heartburn suff erers*, opt for store
brand Omeprazole ODT†, the fi rst and
only orally dissolving form of omeprazole,
the No. 1 selling PPI ingredient in
heartburn treatment**. Find it at retailers
nationwide under each store’s brand label.
3. Make a Personal Appointment
Th e season is oft en packed with busy
schedules and a slew of appointments;
however, how oft en do we make an
appointment with ourselves? Checking in
with yourself is one of the most important
things you can do to alleviate stress. All
you need is 10 to 15 minutes per day when
you can practice meditation or visualization.
Go ahead, get out your appointment
book and add yourself in there.
4. Exercise Moderately
You don’t need to spend hours at the gym
to feel the positive eff ects of physical activity.
Despite the many demands on schedules
around the holidays, setting aside even
just 30 minutes of light cardio several times
per week can help alleviate stress. Aerobic
exercise is scientifi cally proven to be one of
the most important prescriptions for treating
stress and anxiety.
5. Step into Someone
Else’s Shoes
Tensions can be high during the season,
especially when you’re forced to spend
time with loved ones with whom you
don’t always get along. Before you let circumstances
get the best of you, take a
breath to think about the “why” behind
their actions. Perhaps their misguided
comments or actions are coming from a
place of love or humor. Instead of letting
these comments wreak havoc on your day,
take the high road and consciously choose
not to give in to negative feelings.
6. Unplug the Devices
Too much screen time and social media
means an information overload - and a lot
of this information can be stress-inducing.
Make it a priority to turn down the
device a lot more this holiday season and
instead connect with loved ones.
While stress can be inevitable, keeping
these tips in mind can help alleviate the
discomfort and allow you to enjoy all the
holiday season has to off er. For more information,
visit dissolveyourheartburn.com.
Courtesy BPT