Want personalized, convenient care?
It’s just a call, click or doorbell away
Th ere it is again. Th at pain in your side
that comes and goes. Not sure what to do
about it? How about talking about your
symptoms with a health care professional
from the comfort of your own couch?
Today, the doctor’s offi ce isn’t the only
place to go to get your medical questions
answered. In fact, you may not need to go
anywhere. Since convenience and options
are important to many of us, most health
plans off er choices on how and where to
access medical information and care.
Phone lines staff ed by nurses. Many
health plans off er access to a telephone
based support line staff ed 24/7
by registered nurses - oft en referred to as
“24/7 nurse lines” or “nursing hotlines.”
Th e nurses take note of your symptoms.
Together, you can discuss next steps and
there is typically no additional charge to
use this service.
Online or “virtual” offi ce visits. Some
Medicare plans allow you to visit with
your doctor without leaving your living
room. Th e clinician uses a computer
or mobile device with a camera to see
and talk with you. Th ese visits sometimes
even allow physicians to bring in specialists,
also by computer, if needed. While
in-offi ce visits may still be the best options
when it comes to serious illnesses, virtual
visits work well for follow-ups and
for more common illnesses and injuries
like colds, fl u, rashes, etc. In some states,
online doctors can write and submit prescriptions
aft er a virtual consultation. If
covered, these visits may be subject to a
copay or coinsurance.
In-home visits by a health practitioner.
You may remember the days when doctors
made home visits. Today’s in-home clinicians
are oft en nurse practitioners (NPs)
or physician assistants (PAs) who spend
45 to 60 minutes with each patient. Th ey
review your health history and current
medications, perform a physical exam,
off er health education and coordinate care
with your primary care provider. Th e visit
allows the health practitioner to spend a
great deal of time with you in an environment
where you are comfortable. Th ey
are so popular that UnitedHealthcare’s
HouseCalls program recently completed
its 5 millionth home visit.
Th ese care options are not just convenient,
they can also save lives. A simple
urine test that Paul Engwall completed
during his fi rst HouseCalls visit led
to the discovery of an abdominal aortic
aneurysm that was nearing rupture.
“Th ere is no doubt in my mind that Paul’s
HouseCalls visit very likely saved his life,”
said his wife, Lorna. “Now we tell everyone
we know about this program; we are
so grateful.”
So the next time you want to speak
with someone about a medical issue, pick
up your phone or tablet, get comfortable
and dial up the personalized support
you want.
To fi nd a UnitedHealthcare plan
that offers these services, visit
Plans are insured through
UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company
or one of its affi liated companies. For
Medicare Advantage and Prescription
Drug Plans: A Medicare Advantage organization
with a Medicare contract and
a Medicare-approved Part D sponsor.
Enrollment in these plans depends on the
plan’s contract renewal with Medicare.
Th is information is not a complete
description of benefi ts. Contact the plan
for more information. Limitations, copayments,
and restrictions may apply. Benefi ts
may change on January 1 of each year.
Courtesy BPT