How you can take control this fl u season
Th e 2017-2018 fl u season will unfortunately
be remembered for years to come.
According to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC), the 2017-
2018 fl u season was the only season to be
classifi ed as “high severity” across all age
groups. In addition, there were an estimated
nearly 80,000 deaths according to
the CDC - a record-breaking number by
all accounts. Th ese statistics are a devastating
reminder that this viral infection
can direly aff ect anyone.
Th ere are steps you can take to keep
you and your family from getting the fl u
virus this season - most importantly is to
get a fl u shot.
“Th e time is now to get your fl u shot,”
says Norman Moore, PhD, Director of
Scientifi c Aff airs and Infectious Diseases
at Abbott. “It takes about 2 weeks for
your body to build up an immunity to
the fl u virus aft er getting vaccinated, so
it’s important to get your fl u shot sooner
rather than later.”
Dr. Moore points out that a fl u shot protects
more than just you. “Th e more people
that get vaccinated, the more diffi cult
it is for infl uenza to spread through the
community. Getting vaccinated not only
protects yourself, but those around you,”
cautions Dr. Moore.
Th is fl u season, here are a few simple
measures to keep in mind to avoid catching
and spreading the fl u:
Preventing the Flu
You and your family can take certain
health measures and practice good
hygiene to avoid contracting the fl u virus.
Th ese include:
Getting the fl u shot. Th e fl u vaccine
gives you and those around you the best
defense against contracting the virus. Th e
CDC has found that the fl u vaccine can
reduce someone’s risk of getting the fl u by
as much as 40-60 percent.Washing your
hands frequently. Regular hand washing
with soap and water is a critical step to
ensuring the virus is not as easily spread
or contracted.Avoiding close contact with
anyone with fl u-like symptoms. Th e fl u
virus is highly contagious, so avoiding
close contact with colleagues, friends, or
family members with the virus can help
keep your risk of catching the fl u low.
Testing for the Flu
If you or a family member do start to
experience fl u-like symptoms despite taking
precautionary measures, visit your
doctor’s offi ce or an urgent care clinic
right away. Today’s available fl u tests
are some of the fastest and most accurate
yet and can be administered in a variety
of healthcare settings, including walkin
clinics, urgent care centers, and doctors’
offi ces.
Point-of-care fl u tests allow healthcare
providers to accurately and more quickly
diagnose fl u patients than ever before.
A fast, accurate fl u test and diagnosis can
put antivirals in the hands of people when
they need them most. If fl u symptoms
are caught early, those with the fl u can be
prescribed an antiviral medication which
helps lessen the severity and duration of
the fl u, but it’s only eff ective if taken within
48 hours of the onset of symptoms.
Treating the Flu
Some of us are bound to get the fl u no
matter how careful we are. If you are diagnosed,
make sure to take proper precautions
to get back to feeling better soon.
Stay home from school or work to avoid
spreading the virus and infecting others.
Focus on getting plenty of rest. When
you’re sick, listen to your body and don’t
fi ght what it’s telling you that you need,
whether that’s sleep, a warm bowl of chicken
noodle soup, or a few days off from the
gym.Stay hydrated. Pedialyte can help you
feel better by providing an optimal balance
of sugar and electrolytes to replenish fl uids
and prevent dehydration.
Courtesy BPT