Enough is enough
tweet me @vschneps
I can’t forget the deadly popping
sounds of the assault
weapon that the killer used to
slay 20 people and injure 27 others
in mere seconds at an El Paso,
Texas Walmart on Aug. 3.
Are we going to continue to
allow more children more loved
ones to be murdered by assault
weapons in this country?
As if El Paso wasn’t bad enough,
another 10 died in another mass
shooting mere hours later in
Dayton, Ohio. I watched the coverage
of both incidents, spellbound
and horrifi ed by these acts
of violence — both of which didn’t
have to happen.
During CBS News’ Sunday
Morning program, I was
impressed with an interview of a
group of doctors who called the
gun violence a nationwide epidemic
that must be addressed
in the same manner we would
treat a contagion. In fact, lawmakers
proposed funding for the
Centers for Disease Control to
study the impact of gun violence
in America — but recently, such
funding had been blocked.
Medical groups have, in the
past, successfully raised public
awareness of issues such as deaths
from car accidents. Th eir pressure
and research forced the auto
Xindustry to redesign vehicles to
increase safety.
Airbags, for example, are now a
Enough is enough! Senator Charles Schumer 202-224-6542
common feature in automobiles
because doctors had raised the
issue of the frequency of deaths
from drivers who struck the steering
wheel during car crashes.
While watching the Sunday
political talk shows, I was
reminded that the federal ban on
assault weapons had been lift ed
years ago, and that the House of
Representatives recently passed a
new bill outlawing these weapons
of mass destruction.
Th e bill, however, must be
passed in the Senate and signed
by the President to become law.
So far, it hasn’t even come up for a
vote in the Senate chamber.
To make matters worse, the
mass shooter in El Paso, much
like the gunman behind the Tree
of Life Synagogue massacre in
Pittsburgh last year, seems to have
been motivated by hate.
Th ey are white supremacist terrorists
who took advantage of our
lax gun laws to get their hands on
assault weapons to murder innocent
people and advance their
hateful agenda.
Every informed person knows
assault weapons are for war, not
for sport or anything else.
It’s time for all of us to put pressure
on our lawmakers, and our
president, to fi nally do something
to stop gun violence and get these
assault weapons out of the hands
of evildoers.
We must all call our Senators,
Charles Schumer and Kirsten
Gillibrand, and President Trump
and demand that they do something
now to stop the bloodshed.
Call the numbers below today.
None of us can aff ord to be passive.
We must act now! Th e next
shooting victim could be my children,
or yours.
Call your political leaders today
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand 202-224-4451
President Donald Trump 202-456-1414
Weapons of war
must be taken off the
consumer market.